Fetching some stuff from the attic, we found a little bird sitting there, dunno what type, we tried putting bread in a box to put a towel over the box the bird stayed away from it, we’ve currently closed all the upstairs doors and opened one window to let it out, any ideas?

  1. Bird in the attic what are you gonna do?

    Bird in the attic what are you gonna do?

    Gotta kill that bird that’s what ya gotta do!!

  2. Pick it up and put it outside?

    Not entirely sure why this is an issue.

  3. Get a decent sized towel, open it up an D keep a decent grip on both sides. Try and envelop the bird (taking care to just snare it and not crush it). Try to gently get your hands around the bird with an aim to press its wings in on its body. Again take great care to not be too rough. Once you’ve got it take it outside and release it

  4. Had the same thing – little starling was in my loft. Turned out it could get in and out through a teeny hole in the eaves and it built a nest and everything.

    It took itself in and out, quite happily!

    If you’re in the loft with all the lights off, you might be able to spot daylight where there’s a gap.

  5. they don’t really like bread, give it some frozen peas or dried red lentils or sweetcorn.

  6. If it got in, presumably it can get out, unless it flew through the attic hatch. He might be an early lost young one that can’t find his way out and has left the nest in your attic.

  7. You’re lucky it was an attic with a window. We had a crow stuck in the cavity of our walls. I knew it was a crow because one day I walked into my kitchen and a beak was backing out from a side wall covering trying to pick at the fruit bowl next to it. I shouted ‘erm’ and the scurrying noise shot back up back into the wall. I heard rustling noises for a few days until it stopped. A few days after that it smelt foul in the kitchen. I assumed it had died but couldn’t get the corpse so just used air freshners for a few weeks. Once aswell I worked at a subway sandwich shop and as the delivery man had left the back door open to bring in boxes, a pigeon came in. It took me 15minutes to get rid of it and it had pooped out its guts all over the place so had to clean it all before we opened

  8. Its illegal to interfere with a nesting bird, it probably got in via the eves of the roof, just leave it alone and come July fix the hole in the roof

  9. Fix the hole in your eaves that lets birds in
    Burn some incense to smoke the bird out, it knows the way… check the attic for a nest first, tho

  10. Might it just live there? We have starlings in our attic too, they nest there and come and go through a hole above our bedroom window.

    I mean our house is rented and we don’t go in the attic, so I guess I read this as in concern for the bird but I guess you might be more concerned about the damage in your attic. In which case wait til autumn and look for holes.

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