I seriously Need advice.

I was in class and asked this girl about my age I think if she’d like to join our group and she said she had another person who could join with her which was great.

Basically we talked a little and ended up taking the subway together and she seemed to be curious as to what I do for work, did I come to the city alone etc. She told me how she misses home (she’s from Europe) and started talking about northern African food even tho she’s not even African lol. I said I’ve never tried it and she says we should go try (twice). I just said yea and kept talking. When she left she gave me a big smile and waved at me.

In all honesty, I’ve been humbled in life and I know I’m not the best looking guy out there but she’s so good looking I never expected a women of her type to even talk to me so non-chalanty with me (I’m usually ignored by those high maintenance type of girls or the convo is dry and we part ways).

I’m not trying to be negative but I feel like she’s trying to fill a void and feels lonely and just wants to go out with someone. I’m not trying to say she’s a bad person or anything but I know most of the time when it’s too good to be true it usually is. She also mentioned how she came alone to this city which makes sense why she might feel isolated/alone in a big city. Tips or advice for someone of my age?

TLDR – 25f in my class asked me out to eat at a restaurant 25m. Not sure if she’s just lonely or looking to just vibe with a stranger

  1. You’re overthinking.

    She could want to be FRIENDS with you, for all you know.

    Clarify if it’s a date or what beforehand, and act accordingly

  2. Don’t talk your way out of a date because you don’t think you are handsome.

    Can you not just share a meal with someone who is lonely in this big ole world?

  3. Sounds like you could use a friend too !! Say yes, keep it casual and the rest will unfold. I think ppl get in their own way by overthinking, assuming, and projecting their own insecurities before a friendship or relationship even starts. You gotta be present and show up as yourself. If it leads to something more, amazing. If not, that’s okay too. Be open minded but keep expectations low.

  4. Good things can come from people who want some company. You don’t have to figure out her intentions right away. Just see where it goes.

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