every time i talk with someone i always have to ask the questions from text like, how i go is this. I ask someone a question and they answer but what do i do then, because im scared they wont tell me anything after or leave me on like i question again anything else. Is that the reason almost no one asks me anything? am i doing it wrong or they are not interested? Some people are really cool from close but not text

  1. a lot of ppl dont have social skill too, so u do all the work to keep a conversation

    maybe not your fault

  2. I totally get what you’re saying! Sometimes it can be hard to keep a conversation going, but don’t worry, it’s not necessarily your fault

    Maybe try asking open-ended questions to encourage more engaging responses! Good luck!

  3. What happened?

    How’s it going?

    Got any plans for tonite?

    Got any plans for the weekend?

    What shows are you watching these days?

    What games are you playing?

    Did you hear/see anything interesting in the news today?

    After school, I ask my kids if anything interesting happened today. This works way better than “how was school”

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