Men who were born in (or know someone born in) 1982, what was your/their childhood like in the ’80s?

  1. I grew up in eastern Germany. Besides from being trained to write righthanded (I am lefthanded) and looking back… It was amazing. I grew up in a costal village with traditional fishing. It was an amazing playground.

  2. For all the grousing about “kids don’t play outside anymore!!!,” we were all in my parents’ basement playing D&D or NES/SNES

  3. FWIW, you’ll want born years in the 70’s to remember anything in the 80’s. That said, lot of usual single to double-digit age kid type stuff, like school and other stuff like chores and tagging along on outings to do work or fish or hunt or whatever my dad thought I needed to be involved with for whatever reason. Lots of playing Atari and NES.

    Lots of the 80’s music type stuff on the radio and when you got the shot at watching cable, MTV when it was actually **M**usic **T**ele**V**ision and not what it became in the 90’s onward. (Basically imagine music videos like you see on Youtube on loop and you got the idea. It was fun watching the bands develop into that media.)

    Of course for me, baseball cards as a young boy and baseball itself – though the card companies overproduced the things then to the point they’re worthless now. Not to mention that everyone kept them as an “investment”. Did have fun eventually destroying my absolutely worthless ones in an attempt to see how many shredded ball cards fit in my wastebasket (1847).

    But yeah generically that was my childhood in the 80s, whatever it was worth. Went to college not soon after, so pretty much the 80’s was my childhood.

  4. Born in 83. Grew up playing outside mostly except on Saturday mornings I got to watch cartoons and play Nintendo. Highschool was spent doing drugs and listening to Korn.

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