Is it all worth it?

  1. Generally speaking, my wife takes away stress and worries for the most part. There are some fundamental character traits where we differ which leads to stress and discussions. For example, I am more of a live life and see what happens and she likes to plan out the year. So we compromise and make high-level plans and if things change, they do. I let her juggle our plans because she loves doing it.

  2. My wife is both my primary source of stress and also my best stress relief.

    I stress everyday about making sure she is happy and that my family is happy but it all melts away when I rest my head on her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair.

  3. She takes a lot of my stress away. She also stresses me the hell out. She has a bad tendency to want to have serious talks about money, bills, plans or personal issues at 9:30pm when I am in bed trying to go to sleep and have to wake up at 4:30am for work.

  4. It depends on the day, the week. Like everything, there are ups and downs.

    The last week or so with my wife has been lovely. We’ve been having fun together, having good conversations about serious and silly stuff, having good sex. But the couple of weeks before this were incredibly stressful. My goal was just to not set her off in that time.

    The one thing that doesn’t really change is the state of our house. I’m a pretty neat person, but she is not. It stresses me out that there’s so much stuff scattered all over the house all the time. Every couple of weeks when it gets too bad, I snap and throw it all in piles in the corners. And then she gets upset because her stuff is moved (from the floor, the bed, the counter). So I either have to live with mess everywhere or deal with her getting mad at me for trying to contain it. That’s a constant stressor.

  5. It was never worth it sadly, but i don’t blame women i blame general stupidity and lack of awareness.

  6. She’s not a stressor at all. She actually helps a lot with stress. I wouldn’t have married her if she caused me stress.

  7. Not in a relationship rn but in the past they’ve been pretty big sources of stress. Hence the single status lmao.

  8. Her underlying health issues are the root cause of a lot of the stresses in our relationship. I feel bad because I know most of them are not her fault. She is trying to resolve a lot of them, but it’s been a long slow process that has involved a lot of money and pushing doctors for answers. The toughest one to deal with may mean we won’t be able to have kids or may have to deal with miscarriages, so it could be a big deal long term.

  9. I stress over my partner plenty, but I also leave a lot up for her to manage, particularly with health issues. Seeing the transphobia online and how dangerous the world is however, isn’t a stress I can offload, but sometimes I can confront.

  10. I stress over keeping her safe, healthy, protected, and providing her with what she needs and wants in life.

    Honestly, I’m the bigger stressor in her life. I don’t deserve her, and I don’t know why she puts up with me.

    Is it worth it? I don’t know what I’d do without her, so yes, absolutely it is. She’d probably say otherwise, though.

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