So, my husband is very active in a coed sport. I’ve always been supportive, but I noticed on our shared tablet that there’s just one woman he has been friends with and plays with regularly for over a year, isn’t saved as a contact, even though every single other person (male and female) is saved. I mean, there wasn’t anything suspicious in their messages. Just talking about where they’re playing, sharing schedules…it all seemed platonic to me. But why isn’t she saved and everyone else is? She’s also the only person he plays with regularly who I’ve never been introduced to.

Would that raise any questions for you?

  1. Laziness. I have done this when I know who the number is, my brain just equates the number with the person.

  2. >Would that raise any questions for you?

    Yeah and I would ask my partner long before asking Reddit.

  3. Sometimes devices are not good at sharing contact names. I have some contacts saved by name on my phone, but they don’t show up that way on my computer or tablet. Thanks Apple. So it might be entirely innocent, especially if he’s not using the tablet to text much.

  4. I am so guilty of doing this… laziness that’s it.. most often I can find our chat thread by the name

  5. I have people I just haven’t saved because the text conversation is there and I can just go back to talk to them. I should save it but just didn’t yet(maybe?)

  6. I sometimes don’t save numbers honestly and as it has been stated. Laziness.
    I didn’t even have my own best friends number saved for nearly 6 years hahaha.

  7. My husband doesn’t save the contact name of anyone he doesn’t value or will contact outside of work, sports, hobby text exchanges, so no, I’d think the exact opposite. Also unless I knew I married a man with the IQ of peapod, I’d have enough faith in him to not be so blatantly obvious that he’d leave only his fuck buddy’s number unlisted that I could see on our SHARED device. Not saying there aren’t spouse’s this dumb, but I know the intelligence of the man I married.

    So with that said, only you know your husband. You know if he’s dumb enough to do something like that and if his behavior with her is truly suspicious. Reddit can’t answer that for you, but you could ask to meet this woman sometime, judge his responses from there & hopefully put your insecurities at rest.

  8. For me, laziness, I work and have a lot of labourers, they don’t all last, so I generally don’t bother saving there numbers…

  9. If you haven’t met her and there is no name and all communication is about games, how do you even know who this text thread is with?

  10. Since she is not saved, you don’t know her name but can see her number and messages as well as frequently been hanging out? He hasn’t mentioned her to you and it’s been a year. This should have been a conversation a long while ago. Since she stands out, there’s a possibility he has a crush on her and doesn’t want to raise any suspicions. But it’s also why he’s checking schedules. He’s been doing it for a year and you’ve never dropped by or been to the games? I believe in doing the research, asking questions that you know the answers to confirm that you’re getting an honest response, then ask the questions you don’t know.

  11. Look my idiot ex had a girl saved, Anna.
    When i called him outnon the conversations he had with her and that i had yes broken the trust and looked because i felt he was being unfaithful- he apologised, i asked him to put a pin in their speaking for at least a while and i thought we were good.
    A few weeks later he had the number not saved. I brought it up again. We moved on.
    I noticed him getting a LOT of messages from his best friend and when we were all out i mentioned something along the lines of them always talking and the friend said “we havent spoken much in weeks”… he had her saved as that name.
    If theres nothing but innocence in the chat, dont push it and its probably laziness- if theres anything weird at all- push and honestly, dont take any crap haha.

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