I’m ( 30 F) currently in a relationship with a guy (30 M) for about 3 years. We have discussed regarding marriage and everything. It was a stable relationship, at least for me. I have no worries.

However, on May I saw him liking a sexy woman which appeared on my explored page. Long story short, I confronted him. He said that the girl was just his senior during college and proceeded with unfollow and unliking all her pictures

I wasnt happy with the answer. I started to give long txt msg on how unhappy I am with that. Left on read. Which now I think I shouldnt. I dont know. Things went hot and cold after that.

We stopped keeping in touch cause he stopped initiating texts cause usually he was the one doing it. I was still mad hence I didnt initiate contact as well.

However, I still post stories on Instagram like once a week or so. He keeps liking all those stories, but didnt replied or anything. Just liking them. He reacted love emojis on every stories. Keeps liking and loving them. After 2 months , I get tired of this cause I started getting confused to where this relationship is headed to.

I sent him a text asking if he is still interested pursuing the relationship or not. Left on delivered. Sent again an heartfelt apology text. Left on delivered again. A week later, I asked him if I have done anything wrong? Left on Read. He still watches all my instagram stories , but this time without liking it.
My question is , how long should I wait for his response? Or should I just move on? I still love this 3 years relationship cause he is a good guy. At least he was. Genuine question for guys/man, what is your take on this? Am i being ghosted or should I give him space ? Am i on the receiving end of silent treatment? TL; DR!

  1. Him continuing to like your stories is just a way to keep you in his back pocket and also as confused. This is a form of narcissism along with the silent treatment. I know you asked for a guys opinion but I am way to familiar with receiving this type of treatment. Dont contact him anymore. It’s letting him know you’re still around and will be around for when he’s ready to give you the time of day. This is a red flag and this will not be the first time he reacts this way when you do something he doesn’t like

  2. I take it, this is a LDR?

    Anyway, you made a little mistake and you apologized (Sometimes it really makes no sense to pursue a matter). Not responding to you at all is a sign of either immaturity or disrespect. Or just manipulation.

    Move on.

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