I’m a 28 year old female and I first started dating last year. There are several reasons for this but mainly I wasn’t ready to date for a long time and I wasn’t in a good place mentally either. I’m still learning a lot about myself and what I want from a relationship. I’ve been going to more social events in the city to meet guys and I’ve been trying to also make friends. I’ve gone on a few dates but I have yet to meet someone special. I’ve tried dating apps but they haven’t really worked for me. I find that most people just want sex and I’m looking for a serious relationship. I have never been in a relationship before but I know I don’t want something casual. How should I go about dating? Should I just live my life and do things that I enjoy and hope that someone meaningful comes along? What else should I be doing to meet someone special?

I know my situation is a bit different and unusual but I’m just asking for some advice. Please be kind in the comments and to not be judgmental of me.

  1. Try going out to bars. Despite the negative talk, they are the best place to get approached.

  2. not an unusual situation actually a lot of women I know are in your situation.

    I would read up about how dating works. I would really really just go out on quite a few dates with multiple men to figure out what type of man you like, what type of dating you like.

    I would do this BEFORE determining if any man is a good fit for a serious relationship.

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