My Wife found out where I keep my burner phone & sent me this. What do I do now?

  1. Probably tell her the truth about why you are hiding a burner phone. Seems like it’s time to lay the cards on the table.

  2. are you for real dude – what do you do? go home, pack your stuff and let her find the right guy. I’d wipe the surface whilst im at it too.

  3. Tell her to use the ‘pillowcase’ trick to wrap around each blade of the ceiling fan to remove dust and catch any excess dust.

  4. BS. You’d be an idiot to keep the phone on a blade of a fan that could be turned on at any time. It’s also possible you’re an idiot because you have a burner phone, so it makes sense that you’d keep it there.

  5. Promise her you will find a better place to hide your burner phone!

  6. Confess to either the affair you’re hiding or drugs you’re selling and prepare your suitcases either way.

  7. I think you need to tag this with marriage humor…everyone is missing the joke

  8. Explain you don’t really use it anymore, because you clearly avoided all of the dust putting and pulling the phone on the fan blade. That’s talent if I’ve ever seen it.

  9. Apologize for not cleaning the fan blades while you were up there…

  10. anyone else think (if its real) that this is the wife posting? best way to get pure advice is to ask from the other side lol

  11. Why don’t you let her go through it, or are you worried about what she will find?

  12. It’s to play ethereal vocal music for the reptiles when you’re away..,

  13. If I were you, I think the best thing to do would be to stop trolling and shit posting on a sub that people use when they need genuine advice. That’s a great first on your journey to not being a douche canoe

  14. Burner phone.. jeez.. you wait her. Drug dealer or a cheater… prolly both…

  15. This is giving Walter white vibes when he hid his phone in the ceiling of the highschool and it went off very conspicuously

  16. You’re in the wrong subreddit for this. r/adultery is probably what you’re looking for

  17. What a dumb place to put a phone, no one is that stupid, I think this is fake.

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