What are some things you don’t need, however you want them so bad but you just can’t justify the purchase

  1. Majesty black have these cat gloves. But for over 500 dollars for something there maybe not would be used is just over the top right now. šŸ˜…

  2. A house

    There isn’t any logical need for one (I’m perfectly fine with my living situation and don’t have needs to expand like a family)

    But a little part of me still has that 90’s nuclear family mindset thinking that if I have one I’ve “made it”

    Obvious answer: I live in a high COL area and it doesn’t make sense living on ramen for a decade just to tell someone I own property

  3. Tools. All sorts of. From screwdrivers cases to big table saws and tools I didn’t know existed. Every time I go to my country’s version of home depot, I’m like Kevin McAllister in Duncan’s toy chest. I already have plenty and probably everything I need for 95% of what I could have to do. But I just can’t help it.

    Now I go with my wife. She’s the voice of reason…

  4. Tools. All sorts of. From screwdrivers cases to big table saws and tools I didn’t know existed. Every time I go to my country’s version of home depot, I’m like Kevin McAllister in Duncan’s toy chest. I already have plenty and probably everything I need for 95% of what I could have to do. But I just can’t help it.

    Now I go with my wife. She’s the voice of reason…

  5. Amazon has this backpack/rucksack that I want. I don’t need it, I just think it looks really tacticool. But I already have a perfectly serviceable backpack of similar size that I don’t use for anything other than rucking. And it’s not like my work or weekend activities requires such a backpack.

    Ah, well.

  6. A new bike, new skis (n + 1 rule).

    New car, mines currently in the shop for ~$3500 in repairs on a few different issues, it’s an ’09. But we’re still paying off my wife’s car for another year or so.

    PS5. Budget is tight because of the car, inherited my little brother’s 4.

  7. A bigger apartment. Not a purchase per se, but the same kind of thing. A 1-bedroom in a place I wouldn’t hate living is like 50-70% more than the studio I’m in now; it’s crazy out there.

  8. A new drone, my old one had the batteries die and I couldnā€™t get replacements so I sold it for parts. I really want a new one but itā€™s 1000+ bucks and I really donā€™t need it. I also really want a kei car or truck, they look fun. Canā€™t justify a new vehicle right now though while Iā€™m still paying for my current one

  9. A stand mixer. I want to bake bread/make donuts etc. and want to replace the one my ex took with her, but I don’t really have an excuse since I am on a cut and shouldn’t be eating carbs.

  10. Right now? A new Warhammer 40k army (Black Templars, fully converted with Stormcast parts), more paints, a new airbrush and compressor, kolinsky brushes, a better desk light, braced magnifier glass, yeah no there’s nothing I want that I don’t need….

  11. Iā€™ve been trying to bully myself into a new PC for the past 3 years now. I feel like my parents ā€œit works fine, why spend more money replacing it?ā€, yet at the same point, the my next upgrade would require a full system overhaul anyways, that I might as well jus spend the extra crash on a completely new build.

    Iā€™d love to finally go from a ā€œlast gen entry midrangeā€ to a high enthusiast build of current gen now that I have enough financial stability to justify affording it, I just canā€™t justify getting rid of the old one while it still functionsā€¦ though starfield is really making me question it again

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