Taken from r/AskWomen!

  1. She hunts bears with a bow. She’s like a fusion of Xena Warrior Princess and She Hulk. She can take in most of the groceries in with one trip.

  2. I used to bartend and sometimes at the end of the night, my wife would come in for a drink and wait for me to clock out. I watched guys try to hit on her and she’s pretty effective at shutting them down and she’s downright brutal if they persist.

  3. Tiny grease fire happened in the kitchen, I panicked and grabbed a bottle of water and she grabbed me by the collar, yanked me backward and handed me a blanket. If she didn’t I might have burned the building down.

  4. She shit her pants on our first date. Just tossed her underwear out the window and kept driving. Total badass.

  5. My wife when we were dating did counseling with adults who were addicted to heavy drugs. The stories she told me were insane! Also she got the thing under the tounge pierced and inside lip tatted.

  6. We’ve been together nearly 13 years now but about a year in we were at a small bar with some friends, something we didn’t do often. But I was a couple tables over having a quick chat with a friend. I’ve got eyes on her this whole time. A guy, probably 25 at the time, came up to her, grabbed her drink by the top of it to move it out of the way so he could position himself next to her. She grabbed his hand and snapped his index and middle fingers immediately. I was 1000% on board after that.

    She didn’t want anyone to touch her drink for concern they’d do something. We got kicked out, of course. But so did the guy. Extreme? Probably, but she’s never been one to suffer fools.

  7. We went to a city we didn’t know very well to attend a wedding. This was before Yelp and the like so we just picked a random restaurant to have lunch. We sat there for about 30 minutes and hadn’t yet gotten drinks. I was ready to leave but my then girlfriend, now wife, decided instead to just walk into the kitchen, grab a glass, pour herself a drink and walk back to the table. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. The server was pissed, saying he was “getting ready to wait on us.” Hilarious.

  8. We were at a park type location on July 5th, a bunch of people, we were all lighting off fireworks and being kinda reckless. I didn’t know it until that night, but she HATES fireworks. She removed herself from the general bonfire/party area. As things got out of hand, a neighbor called the police. We were lucky enough to know someone working that night. They tipped us off so we could vacate. I grab my cooler and am rushing to my car as fast as I can manage. She flies past me grabbing my keys out of my pocket on her way past. She unlocked the doors and popped the trunk. I was amazed she went from sensory overload into full action mode. If she knew how I drive standard, I’m sure she would’ve jumped into the driver’s seat.

  9. So, I’m in a three way marriage that involves two other women. One of my wives is very reserved like me, and the other is a lot more outgoing. A few times, we’ve gotten some asshole who will approach us and make a point about how much they disapprove of such a relationship (even though I don’t think we make it super obvious that we’re all three together, but whatever). Every time it’s happened, our more outgoing wife has defended us and told them off. It has always makes me feel protected when she’s done it.

    Speaking of her, there’s also the time she had to quickly drive the three of us a way because we were snooping at a cemetery, and the security people were caught us. Doing such a thing was…a questionable decision to say the least.

  10. This happened 3 years ago during COVID lockdown. We are married so hope this counts. Everyone was getting into outdoor activities as that’s all there was to do, at that time. Our son then was 13 and he wanted to get into skating. So we got him a board and safety gear. He was practicing a lot but skating is hard. He asked me if I skated. I never did. He needed guidance. I told him to talk to his mom. He sort of wrinkled his nose. I told him, yeah, your mom used to skate with her older brothers. They had a small half pipe in their backyard.” He didn’t believe me. Until I showed him the old VHS home video of his mom ripping it up at age 13. Now all of a sudden a boy saw his mom in another light. They got out there on the driveway. She was a little nervous. She was 42 years old and had not been on a board since she was 17. But she was getting some of it back. She was showing him how to Ollie.

    We later on went out to the local skate park and it was busy. Son challenged mom if she could still drop-in the bowl. She wasn’t sure. But she put on his pads and helmet and there she was on the rim about to drop in……a 42 year old woman. I was so fucking nervous. I saw a trip to the hospital was imminent. Pretty much everyone on that side shut down to see if this middle age woman could do it. She did it. A little wobbly but she did it. And she kept doing it. She’d drop in and then “carve” the bowl, is what she called it. I watched her and kept thinking, what a fucking badass I married. I was so amazed didn’t even think to record it. There was a guy looked like in his early 20s and asked, “is that you wife, bro? Damn…..she’s a badass.” Yeah….I know.

    No she did not stick with it, after. She was sore for a week! Lol! Skating is physically exerting.

  11. On our wedding day she drove her small SUV full of bridesmaids to the venue in the dark and in a blizzard.

  12. She straight up punched a goose that was charging her on a golf course. Didn’t even flinch. The goose was fine, it may just need to be held back a grade.

  13. She told me ‘if you can’t handle me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best’. Classic Beth Dutton.

  14. When we were scoping out a security system for our house, she was more interested in cameras than an alarm. Because she thought cameras provided more opportunities for retribution.

  15. She broke a finger because her horse suddenly fucked off. She looked at it, casually sets the finger back the right way, and went after the horse…. what the fuck bro

  16. She was playing a rugby variant and the goalposts were men. When running towards them, they moved next to each other and locked arms. She plowed into one and knocked his cheating ass down and ended up scoring the goal.

  17. I don’t think my wife has ever done anything to make me think of her that way, lol. Well, it depends on what you call a badass or how you define it.

    We work in the food industry, and she implemented a rule that everything that gets cooked must be eaten that day. So whatever food is left over, every employee takes a plate home for the family, and the rest is personally taken by her to the homeless.

    That’s my wife, and she’s a “badass”

  18. Pro mma fight. My wife, generally a grappler, threw something like forty knees and elbows on the way to a first round TKO.

  19. She showed interest in who I was, made time for me and loved motorcycles. She wasn’t clingy and loved that

  20. Our house caught fire while I was at work, she found the fire ablaze in our garage and calmly got the kids out of the house. No yelling/screaming or being scared, just calmly getting everyone out. Once the kids were safely outside she calmly went back in after the cats.

  21. When she was 19, fresh out of high school, she took a month-long trip to Ireland.

    By herself.

    She didn’t go with friends or family, she didn’t have friends or family from there that she met up with. She did it entirely on her own. In a million years I wouldn’t have the guts to do that.

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