i’ve been seeing this guy and we see each other once a week (for the past month). when we hang out it’s great like we are always laughing. he came over and built furniture for me as well and refused any payment. the issue is that we barely text or he would just like my message and leave it like that for hours. does he like me? usually with guys they text non stop but he has like no social media presence either

  1. Has there been any physical contact? Did it ever appear like one of you could go in for a kiss and didn’t? What about shoulder rubs…that sort of thing? After a month, you’d think there would be. I’m getting the vibe that he thinks of himself as a friend more than a love interest. He might be (probably is) unhappy with that designation but is a little scared to try to change it. Are you comfortable initiating physical contact?

  2. Texting is garbage and means nothing, just give up on it until you’re in a relationship and instead focus on IRL connection.

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