In Hungary we have two famous sayings:

Borra sör, meggyötör – Lit.: Beer after wine will torture you – Meaning that you should never follow up beer with wine because supposedly you’ll get very drunk and have a terrible hangover.

However the “counter”-saying is the following:

Sörre bor, bármikor. – Drink wine afer beer anytime, meaning that if you follow up a pint of beer with wine, you’ll be fine.

Does your language have similar saying specifically about beer and wine?
About any other alcohol and the order or method you should consume them?

Is there any truth to it?

  1. Yeah we have

    “Bier auf Wein, das lass sein. Wein auf Bier, das rat ich dir”.

    Roughly translates to beer on top of wine, let it be. Wine on top of beer, this is my advice to you.

    So the logic is the same as in Hungarian.

  2. Yeah there’s a saying in English ‘*beer before wine and you’ll feel fine; wine before beer and you’ll feel queer*’

  3. We have the same in the Netherlands “Wijn na bier geeft plezier, bier na wijn geeft venijn”. (Wine after beer means fun times, beer after wine gives aching).

    However, I’ve been told this saying is not about the alcohol itself, but more with working classed: workers drink beer, while upper middle class and above drink wine.

    When you go from being a worker to middle class, it’s good as it’s an improvement. Moving from middle class to below, is a degradation, and thus painful.

  4. Not a saying but it’s common knowledge in Greece that if you mix beer and ouzo you’ll be the worse kind of drunk and you’ll get the worse hangover the next morning. Just don’t do it! :_

  5. In Romanian we say:

    Berea după vin e un chin, vinul după bere e o plăcere

    This means beer after wine is a pain, wine after been is a pleasure. So pretty similar to the Hungarian saying. The idea is more that beer tastes bad after wine than anything about hangovers tho I think.

  6. I noticed on my last trip to Bosnia that the term *gemischt* is widely used for a *wine spritzer,* a term foreign to me prior, but was told later on that it’s just a loanword from German.

  7. Not exactly about beer and wine, just general rule: don’t lower the alcohol degree / не понижать градус. It means that the next drink should not contain less alcohol. So going beer -> wine -> liquor is ok.

  8. I don’t know if we have any specific sayings, but it’s treated like common knowledge that if you want to drink different things, you should start with the lowest alcohol content and go up. Not the other way round, and definitely don’t mix.

    Every university student knows this. 80% of them learnt the hard way.

  9. Øl og vin – den er fin. Vin så øl – det blir krøll

    Beer and wine – you’re fine. Wine then beer – that’s trouble

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