(M18) I had 1 real life friend and a girlfriend. I wasn’t upset about this and was pretty content having a small circle. In February my girlfriend and I broke up and now we don’t talk. The last time I hung out with my friend (M18) he had a severe mental breakdown which led to me taking him to the hospital and sitting there with him for 6+ hours until they told me I had to leave while he did psych treatment. Obviously, it was hard for him, but it was also very taxing on my mental state seen as I’m already going through a lot of stress. Since then I’ve been very distant from everybody in my life besides my sister. Since the breakup it’s felt like my life has been restarted and everything that was comfortable about my life is gone, so I’ve been focusing on working, self improvement, and my hobbies to keep me happy while I sort my life out. I’ve never been the type of person to ask for a lot of help, and I prefer to take mental challenges on slowly and alone so I can process them and come out stronger (therapy is different than a friend, I do go to therapy). Because I’ve been distant my friend has messaged me on several different occasions being passive aggressive and implying that I’m a bad friend for not talking to him, and when I tell him I’m figuring my life out he asks me things like “Figure WHAT out?” and from my perspective it’s selfish. I’ve told him he can contact me whenever he needs help with something, but he hasn’t… instead it’s like he expects me to check in on him and when I don’t he gets mad even though he knows the lengths I would go to to help him.

TL;DR: I haven’t talked to my friend very much while I take time to improve my own mental health and he seems offended by it

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