Many, many times through out my entire life I heard that people thought I was mean before they met me or that I intimidated them. Today a girl came up to me to ask me a question and she said I seem mean. I feel like lots of people want to talk to me but are scared to.

  1. If you are looking to appear more approachable, there are several things you can do:

    1. Smile: A warm and genuine smile can make you appear more friendly and welcoming.

    2. Open body language: Avoid crossing your arms or standing with your arms crossed. Instead, keep your body language open and relaxed to signal that you are open to conversation.

    3. Eye contact: Make eye contact with people when you speak to them. This shows that you are engaged and interested in what they have to say.

    4. Be mindful of your facial expressions: Pay attention to your facial expressions and try to soften them to avoid looking angry or unapproachable inadvertently.

    5. Be aware of your tone of voice: Speak in a friendly and inviting tone, and try to avoid being too curt or brusque.

    6. Dress approachably: Consider wearing clothing that is comfortable and reflects your personality, while still being appropriate for the setting. This can help people feel more at ease when approaching you.

    7. Practice active listening: Show genuine interest in others by actively listening to what they have to say. Ask questions, nod, and maintain eye contact to demonstrate your attentiveness.

    Remember, building connections with others takes time, so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen immediately. Keep practicing these tips, and over time people will feel more comfortable approaching you.

  2. OP do you have any idea what makes you seem unapproachable? Practice introducing yourself in a mirror. How do you seem? If you were able to watch a video yourself sitting in a coffee shop, would you seem approachable? If not, why not? Start there.

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