We’ve been dating for about 4 months. I was in an LDR before but my ex used to visit me every 2 weeks and we used to have a lot of sex, like 7-8 times in a day. So the number of times I’ve had sex is around 1000 because we had dated for 2.5 years.

Now coming to my current boyfriend. He isn’t that sexually experienced even though his body count is higher than mine. We took around 3 months to have sex. But ever since I told my bf about how many times I’ve had sex we’ve been having sex everyday even though I didn’t want to do it on many days. I asked him why and i got the idea that he’s doing it because he’s fixated on the number 1000 to beat. And he wants to do it everyday because he lasts only 1 round.

What should I think of this? I get why he’s insecure but this is getting too much. Maybe this would be more manageable for me if he could go multiple rounds but do it once a week. Plus i don’t mean to compare but my ex was better at sex so it wasn’t that much of a chore. It’s like even though we’re having sex everyday im not really sexually satisfied

So is what my boyfriend doing justifiable?

  1. The reasons why a person is having sex with you tell you something about their character, what they value, why they approach you with intimacy.

    Apply that, and ask yourself, Is this what I want?

  2. Tell him it wasn’t sex 1000 times, but 1000 orgasms, and he’s still starting from 0 💀🤣

    And no, he sounds like a child. If you don’t feel like having sex, don’t have sex with him and tell him to cool with the childish one upping shit.

  3. He needs reassurance, he most likely feels less thinks he’s not doing enough for you making you go satisfied.
    Reassure him if you think he does enough and more he doesn’t need to prove himself or don’t reassure if you feel he isn’t doing enough.
    When things like this happen, it’s quite easy to understand just put yourself in his shoes let’s say if he tells that his ex was the best person at sex he ever had and the way she made him feel was surreal and hence he rewarded her with gifts.
    Basically he just doesn’t wanna slack lmao

  4. > justifiable

    No. You are not an object for his desire.

    At least, *not all the time*. **When you consent to it**, its all good. But not 24/7. Thats rediculous.

  5. First of all it’s gross he only wants sex as a competition. The amount you were having before is his natural drive. I would tell him point blank you are not interested in his dick measuring contest.

    Second, he’s not great in bed, how? Can you help him improve? What do you need from him that you are not getting?

    Sexual dissatisfaction will erode your whole relationship over time. So there’s no point sweeping it under the rug. Don’t tell him he’s not great, or not as good as your ex. Just tell him what you want done different. (I love when you ___, could you do that more? I’ve always fantasized about ____, can we try that? I like it slower, faster, softer, harder, etc)

  6. What a weird reason to have sex. I also find it weird to compare the number of times done and the number of partners it’s been done with. It’s almost apples and oranges.

    The only reason I can see someone wanting to beat that 1000 number is to be better for you because hopefully by the time you’re had sex 1000 times you know that person’s likes and their body better.

  7. It was a bad decision to tell him that. Men are competitive and you have him a challenge. You caused the problem and he probably won’t give up.

  8. While I think it is unreasonable to expect any dude to bang 7-8 times a day, he is also being immature with the competition aspect. You are with him now, and not the ex, and that should be sufficient. TBH if a woman told me that I would think she is lying because there is no way I’m getting it up that many times in a day lol.

    For reference my wife and I have done 4 times in about a 24 hour period a few times and I feel dead after and need a couple days to recover. She could go all day, every day, but once a day for me is achievable. Sometimes twice depending on the day. I am happy however, to go down on her much more frequently in a day; I just can’t do it that much.

    If you don’t want to have sex every day though you need to tell him that. If he still pushes it, then he is an asshole plain and simple. Dump him and move on, especially if you’re not that into him in the first place. That being said, sex is a mental thing for me too, and if I am worried about not cumming or thinking about what all I need to do in a day or whatever it can kill the mood fast for me.

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