And I’m talking a genuine, even specific, compliment beyond “you look cute/hot”.

  1. Daily. It’s a must. I feel like women have more self esteem issues about their appearance than we men.

  2. Several time a day. It’s easy to do when you honestly believe what you are saying. After 25 years of marriage she’s still incredibly beautiful.

  3. Multiple times a day. She is beautiful and smart with a great personality. Got to comment what I see/experience.

  4. I think every time I lose line of sight on her and she reappears I have something to say about how beautiful or cute she is. So several times an hour whenever we’re together.

  5. Where are these complimentary men???
    Mine never says anything! If I ask if I look nice and have dressed up
    Hair,makeup for a night out or even a day time thing,he says I’m fishing so he’s not saying it.
    If I don’t ask I still get nothing.
    Yet if we’re out he’ll introduce me as his beautiful dick!

  6. Words of affirmation is big for both of us so while we do regularly complement each other for appearance we recognize/show appreciation for thoughtfulness.

  7. Definitely at least once a day. Usually multiple times a day. I genuinely and whole-heartedly mean it, and she doesn’t believe me.

  8. I don’t any more, because it I do she assumes all I want is sex and she sighs, rolls her eyes and ignores me. I have given up with that. Plus, I seriously cannot remember the last time she complimented me.

  9. It’s important to use the right compliments and not what you’re actually thinking. Don’t use your ass looks great or wow you look great but you’re staring at her tits. Look at her eyes and tell her she’s gorgeous. Or tell her that color looks great on you. Little shit like that matters.

  10. Whenever she does something. She put’s are jumper on “You look so cute”. She put’s her PJs on “You look great in that”. She puts her jeans on “You have nice legs”.

  11. Why are you interested OP.

    Is it because some guy(s) didn’t compliment you enough (to your liking) and you want to see if this is a common thing?

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