I have had sex a few times (unprotected and protected) with a woman here in Colombia, South America, who has a fair amount of bleeding when I penetrate her. It’s got me a little worried as last night she told me that her doctor recommended that she avoid penetration for a couple of weeks. I’m hoping (for my sake) it has more to do with a tear or something and not an STD, although my Spanish isn’t very good and couldn’t really understand what she was telling me.

Am I at risk? Any recommendations you have ?

  1. This bleeding is not normal. Is she turned on enough, are you using lube, or are you too rough?

    Bleeding after sex can be a symptom of some STIs but honestly, we don’t fully understand medically why we bleed sometimes. Some women always bleed after sex even if they’re STI-free. Some women say that sex can trigger their period to start. Sometimes you just have random spotting. It’s impossible to trace the cause.

    So yes, ask your doctor and get tested at the right time.

  2. I’ve experienced women that bleed a bit during intercourse— not unusual as their capillaries can burst in the vaginal canal due to erectile tissue that expands the canal and it can not scab well during penetration leading to some blood on sheets but mixed with vaginal fluids it usually is more visually than reality — a teaspoon can cause a lot of worry but if she is not in pain I wouldn’t worry.

  3. Heavy bleeding?

    Personally speaking, my pill causes me to spot and sometimes it’s been quite bright red. Just wondering if that might be the issue

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