To start this post off, I \[21M\] have no issue holding eye contact with people once I am talking to them, at times I actually feel like my eye contact can be too intense but that’s beside the point.

My issue comes when I am in public places such as in a shop, at the gym, on a night out in a club/bar, etc… For some reason I find it very difficult making eye contact with the people around me which can make me seem unapproachable and it makes it very difficult striking up conversations with new people, or trying to meet girls when I am out, as I am **very** single at the moment and the dating apps aren’t going particularly well for me. I don’t even think I’m unattractive but I just have a constant underlying feeling that I will weird people out which is probably as a result of some stuff I went through when I was younger. This whole thing can basically be summed up with me having a very tough time approaching people I do not know

Has anyone faced something similar and what would be the best way to approach this issue and work on it? Thanks!

1 comment
  1. maybe u could try to look to their mouth instead and then if u feel more confortable go to eye contact

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