Men who’ve slept with more than 20 women before 30 how did you do?

  1. I didn’t hit that until early 30’s, I was in a 7 year relationship for most of my 20’s.

    The short answer was dating apps and I had no interest in a long term at the time. I met people for dates and some would progress to sleeping together and other didn’t. Over time the number just went up.

  2. Joined the Navy, was stationed on a ship outta Japan, sailed all over SE Asia banging girls in every port. Especially Subic Bay and Thailand. Fun, and sometimes bad, times.

  3. 40 @28. I work in a hospital with a bunch of horny nurses

    Like shooting fish in a barrel. Seriously

  4. Worked on the strip in Vegas before covid came. It’s easy when you mingle with tourists every night

  5. One part being in college, and one part post-college moving to a city which had a decent drinking culture and active night life

    It’s a numbers game, and it requires effort on your own part. While you might get lucky on apps, you really need to spend every night and weekend out at these places. At the time it honestly felt like a second job doing this

    Which also brings up the other reason why I was able to do it back then. I was lost, desperate, had a lot of free time and was barely making rent, but still had enough for cheap beer. My job paid like shit, but it also meant I didn’t have any real responsibilities and it was overall pretty easy to autopilot

    I legitimately think that back then, the only two things I did was work, and pursue women. If I’ll be even more honest, the most successful I was with pulling women, was when I was actually laid off. Because then without work, I could then only 100% focus on going to the gym and going out

    Honestly now writing this in my 30’s, I’m kind of happy that as I typed this, I don’t really look back at this part of my life as a happy, or fulfilling one.

    You’ll probably get some PUA, high value men types who are going to try to glamorize this and peacock about how cool it is to do this

    But honestly, I kind of hated my life back then and used chasing women as a way to numb the pain

  6. Polyamory, lol. I had a “body count” of like 8, then joined a polyamory Facebook group and had 16 partners within a few months, tripling my body count. It was kind of bananas, and yes, I got STDs. Although, this happened in my 30s not my 20s.

  7. When I was in middle school I was the complete stereotypical fat kid that girls made fun of. Summer going into my freshman year I grew 8 inches and got into great shape (played football). I’m not really proud of it but I didn’t know how to deal with the attention from girls all of a sudden. Not knowing my worth I hooked up with any girl that gave me attention. Before I knew it I had slept with 23 different girls. I wish I would’ve been more selective but that’s part of maturing.

  8. First, it was weight loss. It went from 310 to 215, which helped my physical appearance.

    Then dating apps

    Then, I gained the confidence to start talking with women around me face to face.

  9. Have a coworker that literally keeps tabs on how much girls and what nationality. He’s at 108 girls at age 31. How did he do this? He looks like a young Michael B Jordan and is hella funny.

  10. If you become sexually active in college, and none of your dates ever lead to a relationship, hooking up with 2 girls/year doesn’t feel like it requires becoming a total manwhore?

  11. I’m pretty attractive. Part of it is genetic but a lot of it is I take great care of my appearance and physique. I have a decent paying job. I moved around a lot so i met new people fairly regularly.

    It’s really not that hard you’re talking about like 2 people a year. Put effort into how you look. Be funny and good at holding a conversation in person and thats 95% of the battle. Im 25 and became sexually active at 15. Have only been in one long term relationship (3 years) so most of my history was just casual dating or FWB. Now I’m with my gf who I plan on going steady with, but I’ve only lived in this town for about a year and a half. And I’ve been with 6 women, including her. And that wasn’t me trying to fuck as many as possible. I just went out with them for a couple weeks. And you find out you aren’t a great match and you leave it at that and move on. Repeat. Most women like sex too so they don’t wait until you’ve been together for months to take you for a spin.

  12. No idea, I’m pretty but I have the social awareness of a turnip. I’ve talked my way out of more sure things than I care to admit.

  13. 1.) Drink alot socially.

    2.) Be in decent shape.

    3.) Be able to hold a conversation well.

    4.) Try to make them laugh consistently.

  14. 90% of people i slept with was before I turned 23.

    Captain of the football team lol had very little game, some women just asked if I’d take their virginity.

  15. If you start at 16 years old, thats about 1 person every 9 months… maybe I just don’t get it, but that doesn’t sound like whoring it out to me like a lot of the comments say.

  16. I don’t care what anyone says, getting laid was fucking hard. I got to 20 before 30 and you can imagine the amount of women I talked to and failed dates I experienced to get a number that high in the first place. A lot of the shit I did in my 20s was trying to get laid. I used it as a way of feeling better about myself because I wanted a romantic relationship and could never get it, so I just had a lot of hookup sex, mostly from dating apps to feel something. Well, I felt something and it was always some regret whenever I had a one night stand

  17. Play in a band, especially during the 2007-2012 “scene/emo” period. Didn’t matter if you sucked either.

  18. Tall black dude, I was stupid with low self esteem.

    I think I slept with more than 120 women before hitting 30. At 34, my FWB asked me to count how many women I slept with since I changed town. I thought it was my lowest period when it comes to sex. I counted for fun. 40 women in 3 years. Then I did a 180 with 3 years without sex (at this point, what’s the point).

    If I could start over. I would have not changed myself just to please (broken) women. I became exactly what they wanted: soulless, careless, not emotionally unavailable and for the life of me, I can’t love them.

  19. My count was *much* higher than this at this age (Dress Blues, man…they work!). I’m 41 now. Looking back, I regret it. It was a very immature, irresponsible and selfish lifestyle. God only knows how many people I hurt.

    Make good decisions, my guy.

  20. I’m 23 and I slept with almost 20 girls. Basically I can tell you it’s all about quantity. Just use situations and opportunities, go to clubs and bars and just try to be flirty. There are so many opportunities every day that aren’t cringe. Ask as many new girls you meet for their number. Never force anything tho and don’t be cringe like those pick up artists. Just use appropriate situations. Try to kiss if the opportunity is right. Don’t think too much. Accept that 95% will reject you. 5% is enough to get you laid 🙂

  21. I refused to be in a relationship from 22 to 29, moved to a big city, and downloaded all the apps.

    Now in my 30s I want a real relationship, family, and children, yet all the women I’m meeting aren’t ready for actual relationships, don’t want kids, etc. sooo…

    Karma’s a bitch.

  22. I was in college when dating apps and Netflix and Chill were first a thing. I had a whole routine. It was easy

  23. I don’t even remember the number honestly. But it’s not hard. Accomplish it in 3 ways:
    – Work in a woman dominated field.

    – Be confident, dress well, be in shape, and be attractive

    – Make a lot of money.

  24. Lowered my standards a bit. You’d be surprised how many 5s you can get just by being nice.

  25. I’m 25 and I should be in my mid 30s or so.

    Like others have said, an average dude can get laid if he lowers his standards. And boy did I.

    I have hooked up with some very attractive girls however and I don’t know why.

    In fact I don’t know how I have had the success I’ve had even if limited. I’m not attractive, my self esteem and confidence has always been kind of low (but do work on it) and my social skills arent the best either, pretty low actually.

    But I don’t fear putting myself out there with dates. Tinder and Bumble helped me out before.

    Im single again after years in a relationship and now I’m going to try bars and clubs because I hate the apps tbh

  26. Working as an electrician on a hospital, and i used to go to the gym a lot. Went to the hairdresser every 2 weeks, and my selfesteeem was high af. Girls notice that when you are in your working suit. They dig it. Sorry for my english im high af

  27. For every yes, be prepared for 25 no’s. Go out and get rejected so much that it doesn’t bother you anymore. From there approaching women will be easy.

  28. It was fun when I was younger,but now I lowkey regret it. I threw many good girls to the curb,just to be a fuck boy. I still think about them after years of not seeing them,and I truly hope they’re happy

  29. I didn’t realize how much of a slut I was until I read this post

    A few things to add:

    In retrospect, quality is better than quantity (in my early 20s, I passed up a lot of “wifey” quality women trying to chase numbers. Don’t be that guy)

    Get out of the house. Go to places where people go and mingle.

    You don’t have to be a drunk but drinking socially helps.

    Try to genuinely enjoy the company of women

    Don’t be “nice”; be polite and be kind.

    Don’t overdo anything.

    Play to your strengths. If you’re naturally a quiet guy, don’t try to be the center of attention. The strong-silent type and the shy-clever-coy guys can do just fine. That said…

    It helps to be a well rounded person. Cultivate some hobbies and interests. Rack up some stories. Read. Be able to hold a conversation about a number of topics.

    Have some guts & know the difference between confidence and arrogance.

    Have a clean living space. Have good hygiene. Exercise.

    Smell nice (wear deodorant and don’t drown in Ax Body Wash).

    I’m neurodivergent AF. Social skills take some practice. So go practice. (Talk to at least one new real human every day. Small talk. Can be the old postman. Or the lady at the checkout counter. But practice interaction with people).

    If you want a repeat performance, try to make sure she has a good time without putting too much pressure on her. And don’t treat her any differently after.

    Shoot your shot. Don’t expect anyone to read your mind. Sometimes, ya just go for it. Other times, ya might ask. (Know how to read the person you’re interested in a bit).

    Don’t block your own shot. Know when you’re good to go, and don’t fuck it up (usually meaning STFU or say less).

    Be a decent person all around.

  30. Woman here. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I found the men with the higher counts were the worse lays. Most of their counts were one night stands and/or drunken hookups. They didn’t really know how to please me as well as a guy who had previously had long term relationships. Imo, it takes more skill to keep a woman into you over time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  31. I’m a bit older but playing college football helped me a lot.

    To give you an idea, back in ’82 I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

    If coach woulda put me in the fourth quarter, we’d have been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.

    You better believe things had been different. I’d have gone pro in a heartbeat. I’d be making millions of dollars and living in a big ol’ mansion somewhere, soaking it up in a hot tub with my soul mate.

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