I hear people call someone who is 21 young but also call someone who is 31 young. I wanted to hear your take on this.

  1. When I was like maybe 15(?), me and my mom were watching this news report on TV where a guy was tortured by the police during a revolution. He was around 21 years of age. My mom goes “Aw no sweetheart, he’s so young he doesn’t deserve this šŸ„ŗ”.

    My mind immediately goes “YOUNG?!”.

    And that’s the day I realized whether someone is called young or old is subjuctively dependent on their age.

    And I was right. Because to me now, I’m 24, people who are like 19-20 are considered so young to me.

  2. I feel like it’s 30. It’s not “old” but society will start to hold you to a certain standard. If you’re 20, broke, and aimless it’s ok because you’re young. If you’re 30, broke, and aimless, then it starts to raise a few eyebrows. This is the same for where you live, relationship experience, income/career path, how you dress etc.

  3. When you’re over 40, someone who is say 35 is still young to you. Shit hits real when go over 40…trust me.

  4. People put far too much stock in biological age. I’m at the start of my fifth decade and I feel “younger” (freer, less inhibited, more capable of joy, and in better shape) than ever.

  5. Itā€™s all relative. Iā€™m in my 40s and still a young man to the boomers I work with.

    To the younger guys, I never use this term.

  6. 20 doesn’t seem young until you reach 30

    30 doesn’t seem young until you reach 50

    It’s a whole thing

  7. If you’re a 38 year old running back in the NFL, you’re old.

    If you’re elected president at age 38, you’re considered almost too young.

  8. Itā€™s relative and there is no single, magic number. Depends on the eye of the beholder.

    Iā€™m 33 and to me right now young ends at 25

  9. My opinion of course, but I believe that it depends on your state of mind. You can be “older”, but not keep saying you are “soooo old”. It’s about having a youthful mindset and being open minded vs. being closed off an incorrigible.

    If you continuously talk as if you are “so old”, your mental age prematurely ages as well.

    We can’t do anything about physical age, but it doesn’t mean you have to think like an old codger.

    Source: Trust me, bro.

    TL;DR – You can be older, and not be old. And if you have an “old” mindset, you are old despite being physically “young.”

  10. A man is young as long as he still has dreams, ambitions, and hustle.

    I am 57yo. I train six days a week at an MMA gym and still get paid as a male stripper. I dare you to call me old.

  11. Bruh, age is just a number. I’m 35 and still feel young as hell. But then again, my back hurts all the time so maybe that’s a sign of getting old. Who knows man, just enjoy life while you can.

  12. 27 my body hurts, my knees hurt, my back hurts, my spine has to be constantly cracked or it hurts.

    You gain weight much faster past 25, you begin to feel all the bad shit you did when you were younger.

    You begin to really appreciate your loved ones, & you know you will miss them when they are gone, & that at some point it will just be you, old frail, & you wont see your grandma, or mom anymore.

    You may get married have children, but you will wish they were still alive.

    I see them getting older, & I know one day I wont see them again, & my heart fills with sadness, at how powerless I am to grant them more years of life or give them a better lifestyle.

  13. Anyone 15 years older than me is **old**.

    Anyone 25 years younger than me is **young**.

    To your question, I would say anyone over 25-30 is ā€œold enough to know betterā€. Donā€™t get into a bar fight. Donā€™t no call no show your commitments. Pay your taxes & join the union. If youā€™re over 30 you should have learned all of these things. If youā€™re in your 20ā€™s youā€™re still trying to figure it all out.

  14. My grandmother is 76 she calls all her grandchildren babies … so I. Think you are always young to someone

  15. What do you consider young? Iā€™m 38 and feel my youth slipping away. I have plenty of friends in their 20ā€™s, as good as friends as we are theyā€™re are in a different life trajectory than me. Iā€™m established but not married with kids. Look a lot younger than I am. Work out like an athlete and have all my hair. And some would say conservatively handsome.

    Ive met 25 year old that put me to shame but have also seen some high school friend that look like they went through a trash compactor.

    Hard question to answer. As I age I feel young but that canā€™t last forever. If I had to attend a party with 18 year olds. The odds that I would get into some sort of an altercation with a frat boy are probably 100%

  16. When he handles all life’s challenges without the aid/help of his parents. When he calls his parents to see how are they doing instead of asking them for something.

  17. When they take equal ownership of who they are, good and bad, and stop making excuses to run away from what needs to be done.

    Maturity is found after we learn our limits.

    Until a man’s been broken, he cannot be whole.

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