If you live in an area where carrying a gun is common, would people take them out on a night out.
Say if you went to a bar or a nightclub would they just not let you in?
What if it was an open event like a town get together but drinking alcohol is involved?
I’m from the UK and can’t imagine a rowdy pub in which people are armed.

  1. Most states ban firearms in places where liquor is served, and it’s basically always a crime to carry a firearm while intoxicated.

  2. Most places where alcohol is served firearms are prohibited. It’s also pretty much always illegal to be in carry while intoxicated.

  3. Never been to a bar where I was patted down but I also live pretty rural so they most likely wouldn’t know.

  4. You cannot carry a gun when intoxicated, and even if you aren’t drunk, you cannot take a firearm into a bar or a club.
    Edit: in some states

  5. I am in El Paso, Texas right now and was in New Mexico before that. Both pretty gun friendly states. Every bar I’ve been to has a sign saying firearms prohibited. We have private property rights here and businesses are allowed to operate as they wish in who they get to serve.

    Also guns aren’t nearly as common as you’ve been led to believe

  6. > I’m from the UK and can’t imagine a rowdy pub in which people are armed.

    Non-Americans really have the impression that Americans would start blasting the second they get slightly annoyed. I guess that’s what happens when you only hear negative news stories about the US.

  7. I’ve lived in North Carolina, where open carry of handguns is legal, since 2009. In that time I’ve seen someone with a gun on their hip exactly twice. One was a guy on a patio at a restaurant, one was on a motorcycle driving down the street. It’s not the Wild West.

  8. I’ve never seen anyone brandish a weapon outside of the military or police in my entire life, and I spent several decades living in the South.

    I don’t think the vast majority of clubs allow weapons to be brought inside anyways.

  9. The laws about carrying in places that serve alcohol vary state to state, but more common are prohibitions about carrying while drinking.

    Also, rowdy pubs are vanishingly uncommon here. Rowdy nightclubs are a thing, though.

  10. In Colorado with a carry permit one can carry in a bar or restaurant, but can not be under the influence while carrying. So no drinking while carrying.

  11. Despite the fact that Americans own more guns than just about any other nation, the majority of Americans do not own any guns at all. It’s just a small percentage of Americans who own an ass ton of them. So if you go out to a club, odds are most people there do not own a gun at all (this can vary depending on the type of club, obviously). Of the gun owners, I think few would be packing at a club. But obviously, some people take their guns everywhere which is stupid. And in some parts of the country, drinking and carrying firearms happens more frequently than others.
    In an urban area, my guess is there is less drinking and gun wielding than in rural areas. There’s less gun ownership in urban areas in general.

  12. Firearm possession while consuming alcohol is a felony. From what I understand, in all 50 states. Those convicted of a felony lose the right to own a gun, usually for life. Having gun in your possession while drinking is a HUGE no-no. In some states, you can be in a bar with a gun, but you cannot be consuming any alcohol while doing so.

  13. Atlanta had an annual music festival and I think last year they canceled it because it was recently legislated (or disputed?) that the festival could NOT prevent people from carrying in the festival because it was held on a public park. I don’t know if it was canceled for safety or insurance reasons, still just a weird situation

  14. Yeah being under the influence and having a firearm on you is NEVER a good idea and highly illegal. Also gun laws vary state by state.

  15. I don’t think it’s usually allowed. Last year, an off duty sheriffs deputy from Vermont went out drinking to a nearby town in New York, got into a drunken arguement with some other guys, they both pulled guns on each other and went outside, and started shooting at each other. The town police showed up immediately and yelled at him to put his gun down, he didn’t and they shot him a few times (he was alright). They arrested him and he got the book thrown at him.

    Just dropped that anecdote because sometimes stupid people do bring guns drinking, but it’s definitely frowned on (and usually illegal) for a reason

  16. I got to know the owner of the Karaoke bar I used to frequent when I lived in Texas.

    He said brining a gun into any bar in Texas was a felony.

  17. Yeah, I carry my gun while going into bars. It’s legal to do that in Nevada and Idaho. I’m usually designated driver, but if I do drink, I never get anywhere near the allowed BAC limit while carrying. Went to a bonfire once where this woman was open carrying and she got drunk and confrontational. She didn’t pull her gun out or anything, but we saw her getting pulled over on the highway after leaving, so we laughed at her.

  18. It’s semi common in rural areas for people to shoot guns while drinking together. However, that would be on someone’s property, not at a business establishment.

  19. Most bars/clubs don’t allow guns inside. That said I’ve only ever seen 2 people open carrying guns, one was in a Walmart and the other was at my dentists office (??? why???).

  20. Actually, I am going to take issue with your rowdy pub comment. In NY too many police calls can cause an issue for the bar, so they tend not to be at all like in the movies.

  21. It really depends on your plans for the evening. In my state it’s legal to carry a firearm in a facility that serves alcohol, but it’s illegal to consume alcohol while carrying a firearm (very states allow this). I carry all the time, I just drink non-alcoholic beverages when I’m carrying, no big deal…BUT if I plan on drinking I leave the gun(s) at home.

  22. Normal people do not drink and carry guns at the same time, and it’s also illegal. Kind of like drunk driving.

  23. Alcohol or guns. Pick one.

    Nope, I don’t give a single fuck about any of your experiences where you were drunk and had a gun and nothing bad happened. That just means you were lucky. You either drink or you carry. Period.

  24. It is illegal here but that does not mean there are not guns in every bar in town. Oddly low crime rate here.

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