Notice people dont want to talk things out like adults just block that person ? You dont cant block person in real life sometime you have to work things out right ?

  1. A lot of people use their online life as an escape from their offline world. You can’t curate your offline experience quite as much as your online one, and that level of control is pleasing to a lot of people. It’s valid to block negativity rather than worry about working everything out with everyone, if that’s one’s preference. (I’m assuming this is not about people who have to also interact offline, such as coworkers; in that case it’s ideal to work it out rather than block one another).

    Some people just want a debate-free, disagreement-free online experience, and I think that’s okay. It’s often assumed they want to exist in an echo chamber, but that’s not the case 100% of the time. Sometimes, they’re looking for peace and quiet and will liberally block any threats to that experience.

  2. Maybe they don’t want to “work things out”? Sometimes there are fundamental differences in personalities or worldviews or trauma responses that make it a torturous experience to try to resolve things or find a compromise.

    A lot of people complain about being blocked. Not enough are asking what makes them “highly blockable”.

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