So I had been on hormonal BC since I was 19 – so 11 years ago, and I decided to stop taking it in February of this year (so 7 months ago) as like many many other women I had completely lost my libido which was becoming an issue in my relationship of nearly 3 years as I could go weeks without us having sex. It has been 7 months now and whilst we do have sex more often (maybe once a week or once every 1.5 weeks) I still could quite happily go without it. I am curious how long it has taken anyone else who has come off BC as I know it varies between different.

I am beginning to wonder if there is a deeper lying issue with sex for me.. my ex partner had an incredibly high sex drive and we basically had to have sex every morning and every night for over a year, and quite honestly since this my sex drive plummeted and how I view sex has never been the same.

I really want to get back to a healthy relationship with sex and be able to get that side of the relationship back with my partner. I’m lucky that he has been so understanding with how I feel but I quite honestly feel no change yet since coming off BC

  1. For my Gf it took nearly a year to get her libido back. Are u using toys while having sex with ur partner? Because maybe u can buy some new stuff and are excited to try them out with him. That‘s at least what we have done and it worked great.

  2. Give it some time and look out for if you start ovulating again. It took my like a year to start ovulating again after being on birth control as long as yoi

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