For your typical day.

  1. Ideally zero, but 1 if I’ve got a gun to my head.

    Public Service Announcement for the guys I seem to run into that smell like they filled their bathtub with it and marinated overnight.

  2. One. A single spritz on the wrist, rub the other one on it, then rub both on the sides of your neck.

  3. One on the chest where my collar bones meet, maybe a second if the atomizer wasn’t primed properly for the first one, one spritz into the air, then I walk through it, then put my clothes on.

    Properly applied, cologne should be smellable only to those you want to smell you. You’re trying to give your date or whatever a pleasant aromatherapy surprise that makes them want to be closer to you, not tear-gas everyone in a 10 foot radius.

  4. Regular day? None. When going out it was one spritz per wrist and then one mist walk through. Tends to last all day and not heavy.

    It more so is about the fragrance that works well with you. In my case I found that Chanel, Dior, Mont Blanc and D&G work really well for me. The others I have tried break out my skin and it is just not fun.

    Really two sprays is usually all you need and you don’t have to go crazy with it. I think the mist step is probably the most underrated part of cologne application.

    Also go get samples of fragrances you are interested in, test them out and see how they feel and how the smell mixes with your own natural smell. Since it is almost fall, you definitely will want to look for fragrances with more earthy notes.


    Sorry for the lengthy answer. I used to work in the fragrance section of a department store and learned a lot about it.

  5. Only wear cologne at night. One under each armpit. One in my mouth. One on the bottom of each foot. And one on my butthole for each dump I took that day.

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