My boyfriend knows my actual reddit account, but I just want to ask you all before maybe asking him. Before we got together, I really enjoyed NSFW rps and DND campaigns. I used to do them fairly frequently but stopped once I started dating my now boyfriend, just because there was no real need for them. The problem is that I am slowly realizing that I just enjoyed them. It’s like I was writing erotic fiction, basically.

Do you think this would be cheating? He doesn’t like do rp/play DND (ive asked), so I know he wouldn’t be interested in playing with me so I would either be playing with friends or strangers online

  1. You’d be better off writing erotic fiction imo. I consider nsfw roleplay with others to be cheating, but you have to establish that boundary with your partner

  2. How do you play dnd? I normally just fade to black if kissing happens.

    As for explicit role playing, I think it’s borderline. Ask your partner or just try writing it by yourself.

  3. > but stopped once I started dating my now boyfriend, just because there was no real need for them

    If your boyfriend is fulfilling certain needs for you, that’s great. If you’re then looking again to others to fulfill those same desires when your boyfriend exists, maybe that’s time to review.

  4. You should definitely have this discussion with your bf! But my personal opinion is that this isn’t cheating. I have explicit RPs with characters too, and its just fun character building! I’m ace, so for me no part of it is about projecting my own desires or “sexting” bc I don’t physically want to be any part of it

    I also personally struggle to write this kind of content solo. The part I enjoy is character dynamics, its only fun and exciting when I don’t know the other character’s next move!

    Best of luck!! I hope you dont have to give up something as fun as this! Please let us know how it goes!

  5. I think doing or talking sexually with someone other then your partner is a dealbreaker. Stick with writing romance novels. You can make extra money on the side doing that and it won’t risk your relationship

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