Hello everyone I been in a relationship for almost 6 years. The past 4 years my parenter and me started only to have sex probably 4 times a year. I am really upset I bring it up to him all the time. He gives me the same answer “idk” or “it’s me not you”. Like it makes me feel like something wrong with me I don’t know what to do. Can someone please give me advice. Like I am really starting to belive he doesn’t want to be with me anymore or basically I am not good enough.

  1. He just doesn’t like sex. You can decide if you need sex in a relationship or not. It’s ok to leave over lack of sex.

  2. My advice as having been in this scenario, and having gone up to a year or more without sex and not even being 30. Talk about it. Talk more then once it wont fix itself over night. If he isnt interested then leave. Sexual compatability is important and needed esoecially if you have a high libido

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