I say a hug is a short and friendly affair, you’d hug a friend hello. A cuddle is longer and lingering. You’d cuddle your partner on the sofa. But you wouldn’t cuddle a colleague, but you might hug one.

My friend says they’re interchangeable and there is no difference. And that cuddling with your partner all night can equally be described as hugging.

What does the rest of UK think?

  1. Your definition is the correct one. A cuddle is both longer and cuddlier. If maintained for long enough it can escalate to canoodling.

  2. I agree with OP

    Also, although a hug could last for an extended period, it doesn’t necessarily imply the same level of cosy intimacy as cuddling

  3. A hug is a brief embrace with varying grip strength.

    A cuddle is a long, intimate entwining of bodies. Usually in bed or on the sofa.

  4. You cuddle someone you’re very close to for a longer period. It doesn’t have to be sexual because you can give a young child a cuddle, but it’s obviously more intimate than a hug.

  5. Hug is what two sports players give each other during or after the game

    Cuddle is more like what you did to your Teddy Bear when you were young

  6. A hug is delivered with at least 1 party on their feet or at least upright.. usually standing. A cuddle is delievered usually sitting or laying down.

    A hug is also the act of applying pressure and squeezing. Where as a cuddle can simply be resting an arm or body to body.

  7. You are right, your definitions are accurate.

    Your friend is wrong.

    They are similar but they are definitely not the same for the reasons you cite – the context in which we give / do them is different.

  8. No chance.

    If I came home and said I’d given a girl at work a hug, my girlfriend would say “what was wrong with her”.

    If I instead said I’d cuddled with her, she would say “what the hell is wrong with you”.

  9. As teenagers my girlfriend and me used hug as codeword for sexy time.

    That way come give me a hug could be overheard by parents but we knew what was gonna happen.

  10. Cuddles would be like : Coochie coochie coochie coo…coochie coochie coochie….

    Hud would be like : Coo…(fades out) release and go..

  11. ‘Cuddle’ can mean a hug in a colloquial sense, but really a cuddle is more prolonged.

    You cuddle up with someone on the couch. Whereas you hug your mate goodbye.

  12. No I’d say you’re right

    In some situations ‘cuddle’ might be used for what is actually just a slightly extended hug. If you say to a child or someone that’s upset “come gie’s a cuddle”, it’s more likely to just be a slightly longer hug with some swaying or reassuring pats/rubs on the back than an actual cuddle sesh, but generally yes the distinction you outline is accurate

  13. They overlap but are not the same IMO, and the common usage of cuddle is prolonged and more intimate (not necessarily sexual!) and between people who are close: Family, Lovers, Best friends.

    You might offer a quick hug to a stranger in need, but probably only cuddle a distressed child who you are temporarily caring for.

  14. You are correct. A hug is just a very short cuddle.

    All cuddles can be described as a hug, but not all hugs can be described as a cuddle.

  15. Is your friend the type of person who looks up dictionary definitions or relies on thesauruses, as if that could ever catch all the nuance involved in language? There’s a lot of them about.

  16. Hugs are shorter and have more pressure applied, cuddles are long and looser. Thus you’re correct.

  17. Hugging naked would be weird and uncomfortable, cuddling naked is intimate and a little sexy.

    Your friend is definitely wrong. Even the words imply a difference, if someone held up a sign that said ‘free cuddles’ they might get arrested

  18. You are correct. I’d hug a friend, like a brief thing. Whereas a cuddle is much longer. Reason why there is cuddle chairs and not hug ones!

  19. You’re spot on. A hug is a greeting/parting for friends or family, its a quick embrace and then on with your day.


    A cuddle is a longer affair, usually on the sofa with a movie on.

  20. Hug is brief, cuddle is longer and more intimate.

    Wouldn’t cuddle a colleague but might cuddle a friend.

  21. I hug my daughter when I go to see her – I cuddle with my wife.

    A hug is brief, lasting a second or so. A cuddle can go on for a long while.

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