Like the headline says. I broke it off my fiance 3 months before the wedding. I 28M have been seeing my 31F for almost 4 years seriously and 4 years not so seriously. Our relationship has been like everyone else, it has its ups and downs. I m not perfect but who is, I try to do my best we are in a LDR but we are an hour flight from each other.

So recently before I left to go to my home country (where the wedding was happening) we got into a huge fight but we did resolve it. Recently she told me, she went on Tinder when I was over in my home country. I m not gona lie, I am speechless when she said it to me. Its been stuck in my brain like a splinter n not able to do the normal things with her. I also wanna be fair and say I checked out girls ass before a day before our Engagement an year ago n she caught me. But she said, first that she didn’t talk to anyone on tinder and second, she compares me seeing a girls ass is similar to her on Tinder. She also has a habit of bringing up the past when we have a fight and sometimes our fights go in circles because of that.

I am not sure what I should do. I have been up all night and haven’t got much sleep. Did I make the right decision? Should I give her another chance?

Please ask any questions if you need to. I really could use some helpful advice

  1. Good relationships aren’t full of drama, taking breaks, suspected infidelity and not being able to talk through problems

    I think you saved yourself a divorce so yes you did the right thing

  2. I would say you dodged a bullet. now you know how she responds to bad news or when things get tough. just imagine what she’ll do when you’re married when another problem arises. in times of crisis and turmoil, sometimes you learn how people really are. you didn’t experience anything that came close to that and look how she behaved.

    made the right decision as hard as it was for you. Don’t second guess yourself. I hope you’re able to move on and find happiness with someone else

  3. Break up is always better than divorce. Also right call, no partner and especially no soon to be bride should be on tinder.

  4. If my best friend told me his fiancé went on tinder I would advise him to call off the wedding get his ring back and go no contact forever. Anyone that knowingly marries a lying cheater is a fool.

  5. In my opinion you made the right decision or at least i would do the same. Because she gave you a very important insight for the possible future. You had a huge fight (these things happen) and her initial reaction was to go on tinder. That is not something you would like to see because you are going to have more fights during your life together. When me and my partner are having a fight i am not even going to run off to a bar or anything. I am going for a walk or a drive alone because i want to calm down, collect my thoughts and think of a way we can/will possibly move on from this. The last thing i want is risking to add another problem on top of the ones we already are having. Because in these emotional moments/situations is where the odds are higher of things getting out of hand. Creating only more problems.

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