Pretty sure he cheats

Been with my (36f) dude (46m) for 5 years! We’ve lived together twice and I’d have to kick him out both times. The first time bc I was in a car accident and came home from the hospital and went to sleep but when I woke up in the middle of the night he was sleeping in his daughters room, and his phone was unlocked so I snooped. Needless to say I seen him messaging some woman asking her when the last time she had sex so I kicked him out. The second time I kicked him out bc he didn’t want to pay me rent, I’m sorry but I own my home he doesn’t. Anyway we’ve had a lot of ups and downs but always end up back together. But the last couple weeks he’s been being really shady with his phone. Like I was trying to show him how to accept my relationship request on Facebook and he snatched his phone so crazy out of my hand. Then he went through my iPad and seen something he didn’t like (my ex texted me) anyway I took care of it. But I gave him the passcode to my iPad to play games I didn’t think he’d snoop. So today I went to his house to surprise him in the morning and I was laying on his bed and his iPad was there so I said let me get the passcode. He said he doesn’t remember then it was his daughter thumb print then he said it was his half birthday. So I just fucking left. What y’all think???

TL:DR I think I am getting cheated on but I’m not sure. 36f and 46m. My man is being weird with his devices.

  1. OP, when you saw him ask that other woman when she last had sex, it was clear that it was inappropriate, so why did you take him back? What were the circumstances? I ask because it seems history repeating itself.

  2. Easy solution, dump him. You know you are attractive. He is being evasive and not worth you regular worries

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