i started this thinking about IF i end my relationship but now i’m sure i have to do that. any advice on how go through it?
i feel like it’s gonna hurt a lot… he’s my first boyfriend, we have so much in common and i’m not ready to be alone as well šŸ™ i’m afraid i’d keep hurting myself by seeing his profile on social media as i already do… he’s by my side sleeping and its 3am in the morning and he cant wait to wake up! (also i have such a great sense of humor)
ps: i’m sorry if my english isn’t that good. i’m gonna have some free time and gonna improve it!
ps: i love him, but he cheated on me (relationship app)

1 comment
  1. He cheated on you, you deserve better. Itā€™s going to hurt, thatā€™s natural. Prepare everything to leave, then tell him. If you think he will be violent, make sure someone else is there. Itā€™s cliche but time will eventually heal wounds. Youā€™ll meet someone worthwhile and think back to this time think of how silly it was to be with him after what he did. Youā€™ll be a-okay.

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