Wives… have any of you tried this for your husband???

  1. Don’t waste your money on gimmicky anti-snoring pillows, sis.

    To combat persistent snoring, your husband should stop sleeping on his back. That’s one of the easiest and most effective lifestyle changes that can fix his snoring problem. Is he often congested due to allergies, too? Because that could play a role in his snoring problem and it should be treated with a decongestant before bed. Other small lifestyle changes like losing weight (if overweight) and restricting alcohol intake before bed can also help alleviate snoring. If he has tried all of this and still persistently snores, he needs to speak with his doctor because there could be other serious issues at play and he may need a CPAP or other treatment to help him sleep soundly through the night.

  2. I lost 40lbs when I was 39 and stopped snoring. I’d never put the two together. Buying a pillow would be easier though.

  3. For the love of God:

    If your partner is snoring, TAKE THEM TO THE DOCTOR. GET A SLEEP STUDY.

    Snoring is often (not always, but often) indicative of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is HORRIBLE for your health.

    There are people who have died due to untreated sleep apnea.

  4. It’s hilarious how you frame snoring as a male problem.

    Be a fly on the wall in our bedroom tonight and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    You can keep your shitty gimmicks, strips, sprays, and pillows.

  5. Get one of those mouth guards for sleep apnea. I forget what they’re called, but they slightly bring your jaw forward in order to open up your breathing tubes.

  6. Seriously, I snored for years and was even awoken when I was a teen for “choking ” in my sleep. 20 years later…I was finally tested for sleep apnea and sure enough I had advanced sleep apnea.

    I have since needed a cpap machine (life saving device) and its honestly been great for me and my wife. It been about 3 years now and I’ve got the parts down on my Amazon list and know the model numbers to shop around. It’s hard at first since you don’t know what parts/model #s and the frequency of replacement.

    The company ROTECH (Biggest scammers ever), make you sign up for a program at first. You’re new to it all, so you do it, and I saved all the receipts and info….
    After 1 year, all the parts filters etc. all added to a convenient total of exactly $1k. To The Penny!

    These jerks took all the stuff people need to survive on their cpap and made sure they made plenty of profit on all of them each year. The parts are now literally under $200 for the year now that I know the models and frequency to replace them. The machine itself was the worst part costing roughly $1500 and also had a recall. Phillips respironics Dreamstation. I also opted for the most minimal mask they make which I feel save some money and adds simplicity.

    It’s just awful that a company would take advantage of people in need of cpap machines and doop them into a monthly program to price gouge parts they literally need to breathe and survive!

  7. A snore reduction pillow is one that lets them sleep almost sitting up, yet still supports the head and neck. Alternately, an adjustable mattress works for me.

  8. The pillow won’t work. Losing weight will help.
    But I use a mandibular mouth guard, and they absolutely work. My wife gets a better nights rest, and so do I.
    I use one called the ApneaRX, but the SnoreRX is essentially the same thing, and there are lots of other brands.

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