Or are those two scents almost identical to you?

A little Context: Was at a friends house in Europe and they were chopping celery. I thought it smelled like ranch, but they had never even heard of “ranch” before. Then I realized that those two scents are basically the same in my mind, so so closely related that I associate them with each other just by the smell. Idk if its just me, or if it could potentially be an “American” thing.

  1. No. I associate celery with soup and stew because that’s what I usually eat it in and I find it has a powerful, distinct smell.

  2. Does celery have a smell?

    I associate celery with peanut butter. We were served celery sticks with peanut butter in them in school. We all did the same thing. Lick the peanut butter out and throw the celery away.

  3. I do not. I strongly dislike ranch dressing and basically never eat it. Therefore I have no strong associations between it and any specific food. I can’t really say what I associate the smell of celery with, either. Maybe peanut butter?

  4. Yes. I correlate celery with ranch, blue cheese, or Buffalo sauce.

    I don’t think celery smells like any of those things, but when I smell celery being cut, those flavors jump into my mind.

  5. Absolutely not, because Ranch is an abomination of condiments.

    And this is a hill I will die on. Ranch sucks. Tastes like soap.

  6. Nope not at all. I’ve made ranch from scratch in a professional capacity and have never put fresh celery in ranch either. I could believe that some recipes have celery seed in them though.

  7. When I smell celery the first thing I think of is Old Bay, the first ingredient of which is celery salt.

  8. I associate celery with thanksgiving and homemade stuffing.

    The rest of the year I usually eat my celery with peanut butter, not ranch.

  9. I don’t have this association and ranch doesn’t contain celery afaik. The only reason I would associate the two is because I often dip celery and carrots in ranch.

  10. I’m the rare American that hates ranch dressing and doesn’t understand our obsession with it.

  11. Nope, I think about stuffing and sage since it’s a big part of Thanksgiving turkey with cornbread stuffing. Mmm….. Can’t wait till gobble gobble time! 🦃

  12. Nope. I think chicken soup when I smell celery because that’s usually what I’m chopping it for. Or pot roast.

  13. No and no. I neither think of ranch dressing when I smell celery, nor are the two scents almost identical. Celery has a super fresh, watery smell, whereas Ranch has a creamy and savory smell.

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