Women of reddit, why did you move countries?

  1. My mom decided she couldn’t take care of me and sent me to live with my grandma in Japan. Best decision she ever made tbh.

  2. I moved from Italy to France when I was a child because my mother wanted to live there. I’m moving to the USA soon to be with my husband.

  3. Ah you know, the usual, dictatorship, unable to find things like food and other essentials (we even had a drinking water crisis) and my mom being kidnapped and almost killed and my dad being kidnapped and being scared to lose my life from going outside and even being at home. Just the usual…

  4. I know lot of Iranian women here because of their country my best friends are they come here for a safer life and more freedom most hard working ladies I know 🤍✨

  5. Both me and my husband didn’t feel at home in our respective countries, so we moved to the third one

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