I’m (19F) and while I was at college for the day my mother found my sex toys (Dildo and Vibrator). My mother has snooped around my room before and I have caught her so I tried to hide them well but she found them anyways. So when I got home a was surprised to see them thrown on the ground. She walked up behind me and told me that I was “going to hell!” And that I’m being kicked out cause she doesn’t want a sinner in her house, and that my family would be ashamed of me. She knows I’m not a virgin anymore but she keeps asking “Why I would use that thing to lose it?” Which I didn’t. What do I say or do about this???

  1. That’s rough, but surely you have a classmate looking for a new roomie?

    Don’t let her shame you. Honestly, if you were my daughter I would feel better about it because at least some of the time, you are not sleeping with guys at such a young age. Grats on being responsible!

    Good luck and be safe!

  2. Sadly, trying to reason with irrational people is generally a lost cause. You have done nothing wrong and toys are perfectly healthy things to have, despite what she says. If they truly intend to kick you out, the best thing you can do right now is reach out to friends or less insane portions of your family to see if you can get temporary lodging somewhere.

  3. Enjoy your life the way you want to. Of all the many religions that exist wouldn’t it be tragic if your mother brainwashed you into the wrong one and after living a joyless & prudish life of guilt that she went nowhere

  4. Your mother is completely out of her mind. This is completely inappropriate behavior. The first thing you have to think about is your safety. Can you play along so you don’t get thrown out of your house? Do you have a place you can stay?

    Besides the main concern of not being homeless, you did nothing wrong, she is being absurdly unreasonable. There isn’t much you can say because she is being irrational.

    Just stay safe, and as soon as possible try to get a place for you. This was a major invasion of privacy and it is absurd to threaten to kick out a fully adult daughter from the house simply because said daughter has and uses sex toys.

  5. Fuck religion man. That is all. It sounds like it’s time for you to start living your life on your own terms and away from that kind of nonsense. Good luck to you!

  6. Don’t even worry about it.
    As a M I been embarrassed like that as well coming home and seeing magazines and dvds out and that talk but hey. Some people are more sexual than others and more comfortable about it atleast with their self if that make sense. There is nothing wring with it at all.
    Do you boo boo lol

  7. If this was me…. (it wouldn’t be, I am male, but I digress):

    … I would kindly tell her to go fuck herself and offer to buy her one. Then move out and go and enjoy my life as I wanted to live it.

  8. Well since you already going to hell why not commit more sins and going down a legend.

    Ok after that joke, I would tell her that it’s literally in the bible to forgive the sinners so if she condemns you for one sin then she is probably more likely going to hell than you.

    Now from a not so Christian stand point she is your mother and should love you so it’s kind of sad that such a small thing would get you kicked out of the house, but I guess there are crazy people. So anyways I would go look for a lawyer and sue the shit out of her for emotional and physical destress for throwing you out and telling you to go to hell.

    Otherwise not much you can do since you are already old enough to find a place of your own.

  9. Religion is wild. They’re gonna throw you out of their house because you do something that a guy in a big building said that a book says you shouldn’t do?

  10. If anyone in this situation is going to hell, it sure as shit is the parent practicing conditional love who’s kicking their innocent child out of their home

  11. I would strongly consider moving out.

    In the meantime however:

    Get a lock for your room or drawer

    Talk to your mom and tell her that she can’t snoop in your room anymore or go through your stuff. She needs to respect your privacy.

  12. You are absolutely not going to hell for using sex toys number one, number two I think it’s time to get a room mate and live your own life outside of her feelings

  13. Just tell her she’s mistaken, you only stick stuff up your ass. Which is exactly where she can shove her opinion.

  14. Send a sex toy to her house as a gift ! She’ll use it and realize what she’s missing ! 🤣
    Anonymous gift !

  15. I take it ur mother is not well in the head. So my best bet would be hunker down unless she hands you an eviction notice then you would have too find somewhere else too live

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