Just wondering if others feel like this too or of it’s some kind of kink or maybe related to human biology or something…

My boyfriend is a very fit person and loves the gym and keeping his muscles in good shape, but recently since we started dating he’s gained softness around his waist and stomach and I don’t understand it but for some reason it just drives me absolutely wild, like I want to squeeze and grab and bite him like he’s the hottest thing on earth. I was giving him head yesterday and I just loved kissing and nuzzling my face against his stomach while he was standing up and somehow it made the whole experience even hotter for me.

I’m not into feeding or obesity but seeing a generally fit/healthy weight guy with bit of squish and lovehandles is just so attractive ugggh. Is this weird or am I developing a kink or something?

  1. It sounds like you are attracted to your boyfriend and his real body. Not just the idealized version of the male body.

    I don’t think it’s a kink, seems normal to me

  2. That’s very normal. There are lots of ways to interpret or justify it. One thought would be that being with a perfect body is kinda intimidating, and a bit of softness makes him more accessible and human to you.

    Also, it’s pretty common for people to gain a little weight when they get into a stable happy relationship. “Fat and happy”. Maybe you’re picking up on this as a sign that he feels secure in your relationship.

    Seeing a person’s little “flaws” is an intimacy. You’re the only one who gets to nuzzle his stomach.

    After all, who’s to say that a little (or a lot of) fat is unattractive? We like what we like, even if it doesn’t agree with society’s expectations.

  3. Dad bods areπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

  4. Going back to caveman days, he would be seen as an extra good provider of food. He’s strong enough to hunt and bring back enough to get a little soft.

  5. I am the same way. I like my guy to have some heft. I don’t prefer the skinny / super fit guys. Give me broad shoulders and some weight. Roar!

  6. The Cave woman smiles in the back of your mind. “Yes”, she cackles. “Oh so sexy and strong, and I have him. Soon he’ll be to fat to run away, and then i’ll make him put babies in me. Muahahaha!”.

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