Sure, caveats of course in every situation (abusive, dead obviously, etc)…but in general…I always look to see how someone treats their parents.

Their parents are someone they have a deep relationship with and are very comfortable. It can be a good indicator of how they will treat you when you’re both out of the honeymoon phase and comfortable.

If someone treats their parents bad, mean, disrespectful, uncaring etc….it’s a huge red flag for me. Someone who is very nice, close to one or both, gives them attention, etc….big green flags

  1. I only agree that outright hostility and rudeness are a red flag, but that you can even see in how they treat strangers. Family dinamic is a very complicated thing and it is far too dependent on people other than your partner to really give you any accurate estimate. This same family dinamic can also contribute to a drastic difference in behavior in different social situations. Most people i know are way more open and way more affectionate with their partners than their parents. Most people i know actually have next to know relationship with their parents and yet have a great relationship with their partners, meanwhile some of the most toxic partners I’ve had, had amazing relationships with their families.

  2. I find the opposite to be true, people who are too close to their parents are neglectful of their partners and give parents too much say in the relationship.

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