Not asking for what number you or she thinks she is. What would you actually tell her?

  1. I would loudly sigh and ask why she would ask me that. And that’s probably all it would take for her to get upset and spiral and accuse me of hating her and thinking she’s disgusting. And then I’d regret not just saying 10/10 as an instant reaction because no one wants honest answers to questions like this, which is why they shouldn’t ask them, but for some reason they do.

  2. If you have a secure relationship, that wouldn’t be a question unless it was a joke. If it is a joke, you can say anything.

    If you don’t have a secure relationship, the answer to that question is not your main concern.

  3. 9/10, would go higher if you didn’t ask me questions like this to pick a fight. I have life insurance and a cemetery grave plot, and I’m not afraid to use it. Also +1 when you get naked.

  4. I don’t have a wife, so I probably just take my schizophrenia pills and lie down for a while.

  5. 10 and I honestly mean it. My wife is literally ones of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Luckily she likes me too. Lol

  6. I tell my wife the longer I have been married to her, the more attractive she has become. She is the best and she is all I need. I tell her she is an awesome wife. I feel fortunate to be so blessed with such an excellent wife.

  7. “You’re a four, five after showering, and a strong six when you get a suit on and have that aftershave I like.” -my (now ex) wife to me.

  8. We’re super secure and talk about our aging bodies every now and then with good humor so I’ve had this conversation.

    I tell her that she’s a ten, and that I know she thinks she only used to be a nine and she was wrong then, and that I know she thinks she’s now a six but she’s wrong now too. I’d say that she’s far too critical of herself, and because she knows that’s true she listens to me.

    In objective terms, she was a ten in her twenties and early thirties. She was literally “stop traffic/get asked out by total strangers while running errands” cute when we were younger. And we’re middle aged now and she’s focused on goals that don’t have to do with her appearance so I guess her number has slipped by outside measurements? But she’s a ten, still a ten, because tens don’t slip just because their skin is older or their weight goes up.

  9. I don’t really get this whole rating thing. I’m either attracted to someone or I’m not. The idea of people sitting around like talking at length about exactly how attractive a person is strikes me as really weird. Like just let yourself find someone attractive, don’t overthink it.

    I find my partner extremely attractive, she’s very much my type. I tell her she’s hot every day, as does she to me. I’m sure someone will tell me this is simpy for me to do, and emotional labour for her to do to me, but neither of us asked the other to do it. We just like complimenting each other, and both of us would consider making each other feel good about ourselves to be part of the duties of being in a relationship.

    “Rate me out of ten” sounds like a game rooted in insecurity. If you get asked this, you probably aren’t validating the person the way they want to be validated, or else they have issues with insecurity.

    Bit of a rant, but these sort of questions suggest to me a lot of people are really acting crappily to their partners (of both genders), or just aren’t really mentally in the space to have a good relationship.

  10. My wife doesn’t ask this kind of stupid questions. If she would i’d tell her what i told her on our 29th anniversary yesterday.

    “To me, you are the most beautifull woman i’ve ever met. Because you are you. I love your looks, every inch of your body, your smile, your warmth, your character, your love for me, you giving me 3 beautifull daughters and because you sticked with me when the going really got tough. To me you’re just as beautifull today as when we met 35 years ago”.

    Feel free to use it if you like.

  11. I tell her numerical rating systems for people are ridiculous and dehumanizing

    Then she says “yeah I know… not sure why I asked. Must have been temporary insanity”

    This isn’t something healthy, well adjusted, normal people in a couple ask each other unless they’re young and immature

    She *will* ask “how do I look?”

    Answer is always amazing, gorgeous, sexy, etc unless outfit is specifically unflattering, then you *carefully* get that out there. That takes practice

  12. I’d tell her that there weren’t enough numbers on this earth to quantify how beautiful I thought she was.

    Edit: spelling mistake.

  13. 10.

    Without hesitation.

    I don’t want to die.

    I don’t care if she believes me or not.

    It’s a trap.

  14. We’re in our mid/late 60s. Yes, we’re fat. Yes, we’re wrinkled. Yes, our hair is gray. Yes, sometimes we hobble. My wife will sometimes see a fat, wrinkly, gray-haired woman limping along and ask, “Do I look like that?” or “I don’t look like that, do I?”

    My answer is ALWAYS a truthful “No.”

    I say truthful because I deeply love this woman and have for over 40 years. She has always been miles out of my league. When we met I was scared to ask her out because she was so pretty I knew she’d turn me down. So, I settled for the friend zone and considered myself lucky. If, after getting to know me over a few very vulnerable heart to heart chats, she hadn’t made the first move, it never would have happened. So, I’m fucking fortunate to have been able to build a life with her.

    No, she doesn’t look like the fat, wrinkled, gray-haired woman limping down the aisle at Kroger. She’s fucking beautiful and always will be. She’s a goddamn 10 in my book and always will be.

    Beauty something something beholder and all that shit.

  15. I’m just gonna marry my GF at this point because she never shit tests me or tries to create drama about anything ever and apparently that’s extremely rare.

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