Hello everyone I’m in my late 20s I’ve been dating someone for 3 years been asking for marriage but he ignores me and I ask for a break up he won’t want that either, he said he wants to know me better since I have kids from a previous marriage. I never dated before and I was married At a very young age. The guy I’m dating I always wanted to be intimate with him but he doesn’t want most of the time we used to intimate once a week starting now once in 3 months. Nice I was with one man my whole life and I don’t know if that is normal for a guy. Please advise me.
And he is in his 50s never married but dated like 40 women. That always makes me worry about it always makes me think maybe he doesn’t enjoy having sex with me different things come to my mind. What should I do??

1 comment
  1. Girl, this man is just trying to keep you for himself but clearly is not interested to marrying you. You been together for 3 years, you both are adults where feelings, needs and wants should easily be communicated yet it’s not the case for you. I would also be suspicious on the once in a blue moon intimacy. Sounds like there’s something or someone out there keeping him busy. Honeslt, you guys NEED to talk more. You both aren’t on the same page. Trust your gut.

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