Backstory: My (20F) Bf(21M) have a mutual friend (21M) who I’ll call R.

So R has a girlfriend who he doesn’t like due to her not being attractive to him and him finding her boring. But my problem is that R is so kind to me, always makes me laugh, compliments me and comforts me better than my bf ever could.

Whenever I bring up issues I have with my bf he cries and says hes an awful boyfriend so I have to comfort him when I need the support. If we go out I have to plan everything and make sure that there is a food place HE will eat at because he also has the eating habits of a toddler which he is adamant he will change but never will because he flat out refuses new things i offer/cook for him.

R is someone we both always talk to and I feel like we share a lot more things in common than me and my bf and he actually is interested in different foods and will go somewhere on impulse. But I dont want his attitude to his current relationship to be transferred to me.

So what do I do? Do I stay with my bf, stay single or confess to R?

  1. Why are you dating someone you dont like? I think you need to self-reflect on what you want in life.

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