How important is the concept of a wedding to you in regards to marriage?

  1. Not very. I would prefer my wedding be small, 20 people tops. Held in someone’s backyard, Spotify and a Bluetooth speaker with some good BBQ or pizza perhaps. Just have the ceremony and then chill with friends the rest of the night. I don’t even want to wear s dress honestly.

  2. I want to elope. But I’m with an only child and his mom would be furious so. The wedding is pretty much for his family.

  3. I never dreamed about a wedding growing up, I would imagine myself married (to a blank man with no face) but the wedding wasn’t part of the equation. I think I escaped a lot of the publicity around that.

    But then my girlfriend came along, the idea of marriage became very very appealing to me, and the idea of a wedding also became interesting. Celebrating our love in front of everyone who is dear to us and supporting us and having fun together sounds really lovely.

    However, wedding also seem to be a headache to organise and a money pit. My partner and I are from different continents, so wherever we get married, people would have to pay a lot of money to come to the wedding or wouldn’t be able to come at all. I have divorced parents and am only now resuming my relationship with my dad after years of no contact so there would also be family politics involved; in that way a wedding abroad might be the solution.

    In a way, I think eloping in a beautiful place is more appealing to me. Just my partner and I, her best friend/sister and my best friend/almost brother as witnesses, a photographer, and thats it. And then we could have little parties with different groups of people in different places over time with less pressure.

    My gf wants an actual wedding though, she loves the idea of everyone meeting and mingling (which I agree with), and stuff like that. So we’ll see where we land when we get there ; I think to both of us, a wedding is cool but the marriage is far more important

  4. It was important to me to have a wedding because a life partner is something to celebrate in my opinion. I don’t think it has to be a grand and expensive event. I had my wedding during COVID and only a few friends plus immediate family members attended.

    Some friends of mine did a honeymoon instead of paying for a wedding which worked out well for them.

    TL;DR Very important, but don’t spend too much money on it.

  5. I’m not particularly interested in being married, and if I were to get married, I wouldn’t want the traditional sort of wedding.

  6. I don’t particularly care about marriage either way, but if I ever get married I want a huge wedding. When else do you get a chance to get your entire family and friends together? Only weddings and funerals.

  7. All I will say is that I think about this phrase a lot:
    “People want weddings, not marriages.”

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