My husband and I have been together for 9 years . This past year has been rough to say the least we lost 2 babies and he was having an emotional affair with a co-worker. I’ve been in therapy working through all my shit but somedays I don’t feel strong enough.
I’m a stay at home mom with our 6 kids. (15, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1) so days get busy.
Were working through the cheating and his days off are great. But the days he goes to work it’s really stressful on me . I worry of course. He’s been open about his feelings which he never really was before so I appreciate that. But he says he misses her the bullshitting and laughing. How am I supposed to feel ? Besides hurt and how the hell do I even compete with that? She’s 10 years younger , I’m no longer fun and I don’t feel I’m enough or worth it lately. I’ve always had issues with not being enough or worth it past traumas and childhood.
Maybe I really just needed to vent and a good cry.

Any advice is appreciated.

  1. To you sahp, I say you are good enough! You had 6 kids and I’m sure your job is tough! He should be remorseful for the hurt he’s caused. And should work more on the relationship. It doesn’t seem like he was lacking sex or anything of the sort at home, so I’m confused as to why the EA?

  2. He can talk to you if he really chooses. I’m sure he has no problem communicating when he wants to eat or have sex. So why doesn’t he talk to you as a friend? You both could work on being better communicators together. He didn’t have to seek it else where.

  3. r/asoneafterinfidelity

    You’ll find other betrayed spouses there who know what you’re going through, and they will be able to give you good advice in terms of holding your husband accountable.

  4. Being a sahp to all your kids is hard work! You are enough and you are worth it. He’s lucky you are still willing to work on it. He should really step up and give more effort to reassure you this emotional affair is not going to turn physical since they still work together.

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