I \[F30\] only date one person at a time, and this only if I am really interested in this person. The guy I am interested right now and me are both looking for a serious relationship.

I am seeing this guy \[M29\] for 3 months now once a week and I am sure that I am the only woman who he is trying to get intimate with, BUT only because no other woman is giving him a chance due to his economical situation (good looking, but low paying job).

He once asked me a month ago, if I was seeing others and told me that he dated two others in the past, and I answered that I wasn’t.

Maybe some of you are gonna tell me that it is my ego, but I feel like a back up option, because he is still trying seeing other women.


But I am, am I not ? I wanted to give him an ultimatume, because I either want to cut it off or him only seeing me as I am only seeing him.


  1. Who knows maybe the other women are his back up option? But that’s how dating is nowadays you date as many people as you want at the same time then eventually pick. If uncomfortable with it then just leave

  2. No you aren’t overreacting. Dating around is fine but if I have been on 2-3 dates with a guy and he doesn’t want to be exclusive, I move on because I know he isn’t that into me. Granted I make it clear that I am very into them so they are reassured. And I won’t ask for exclusivity until we are having sex or have gone on like 5-6 dates.

    But A guy who really likes you will want to lock you down. You can move the relationship as slow as you like and be casual, but if he’s dating other women then he thinks you may not work out or he might get someone better. I recommend you date others too

  3. I think you should raise the question of being exclusive with eachother first. If it’s a deal breaker for you and he doesn’t want to be, walk away as your in that case, another option…

  4. Yeah three months is pretty long to only see once a week also.

    Some guy called me 10 days straight when i hadnt met him before…

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