What health struggles are you going through that you may not typically talk about?

  1. I’m fucking constipated and battling this turd as I write this. It’s a side effect of my adderal it looks like. Any advice fellow adderal patients? Lol net anonymity can be disgusting

  2. Weight gain. I’ve been trying to eat as much as I can but I still can’t seem to put on any weight and sometimes it worries me.

  3. I’ve been having abdominal pain for about half a year, I have healing sciatica in both my legs, and sometimes my heart beat will feel uncomfortable, like it pulses in a way that distresses me. I might also have some kind of back issue or a healed dislocated rib.

  4. On paper, Im’m going to the gym , eating well and drinking plenty of water. I’m struggling with injuries both old (a literal trainwreck) and very new (last night I accidentally struck myself in the center of the knee cap). My heart is heavier than it’s ever been and I have no friends. Sometimes I’m surprised I’m still ambulatory but ey, gotta look cool so I hide it all very well.

  5. Knees and legs aching all the time something fierce. Even with knee protection, plumbing takes its toll over time…

  6. Parkinsons’ disease, people think it’s a “old man disease” but I’m 33, it’s kinda embarrassing

  7. My asshole has itched since 2011. I believe it was the poor quality toilet paper from my college dorm.

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