Been dating my gf for 1.5 years and having issues. It is a LDR.
Some things going on that make me feel like the relationship may not be a good one:
\- We had an argument and she said “If you hate me so much” “Just end it”. “It” refers to the relationship. Followed by “idk what to do” and “you deserve better” and “I know I am the problem.” Refuses to take any real steps towards actually fixing the issues. Says sorry and the cycle is rinse and repeat basically.
\- We keep having the same conversation about communication (basically, when she goes out, I have requested her to text once every few hours or so. She says yes and agrees and then does it for a while and then it reverts back). I know this is subjective but we have reached somewhat of a compromise and she misses her bargain a lot of the time. Most issues we talk about (unrelated to this), that is the same pattern. We talk, reach an agreement, revert back to same behavior. Rinse and repeat.
\- I went through a major setback and was focused on surviving. Her complaint was that I was controlling because I told her I don’t feel comfortable with her sharing my stuff with her parents. She said she was stressed because she couldn’t talk to anyone about it. She also said that I had changed and wasn’t the same (I didn’t play tennis or didn’t plan dates). Well, I was honestly just trying to get by and progress. My understanding is that relationships have ups and downs and she should’ve supported me, not guilt tripped me. She said her cup is empty and that she is struggling because work is busy, her friends were taking up her time, etc. I get that and I was trying to support her. But I was in a major setback and she was playing the victim card.
\- I was feeling better and wanted to plan to see her. She said she needed time to study and then said let’s meet in October and that she is used to not seeing me as often. Concerned because usually she is excited to see me. She said that travelling is a huge mental burden and that it is a lot of effort (I get that, but this is all of a sudden). She then proceeds to party and not study on Saturday (not that I am saying she should do this and that, but her words and actions are contradictory). She also plans on taking a trip with a friend end of September (which when I brought up to her about being contradictory about studying, she said that she would most likely cancel it… I know her and I am confident that would not happen. Oh and also that trip was booked without her full knowledge).
\- I have told her I need space since Sunday. She has been texting me here and there and I have barely been replying because again, I need space. I have told her time and again. Yet, she keeps texting me and keeps saying she is anxious. And I feel a lot calmer, relaxed and not on edge. Is this just momentary or is this another sign? Also, honestly, I am all for forgiving, but I cannot keep having the same conversation over and over again. Thanks.

TL;DR: been dating my girlfriend for 1.5 years and I am getting tired of all the same issues popping up and some concerning things going on.

  1. The bit where she wasn’t supportive of your setback and complained you weren’t there for her with the next thing being her not being excited to see you means she’s lost interest in this relationship. Could be she’s cheating already, but at the very least, she doesn’t see you as a long term partner anymore. You asking for space again probably just reinforced her decision. Sounds like this relationship has run its course.

    And if you’re not into it anymore, that’s all you need in order to break up. You know that right?

  2. Oh wow stopped halfway as it’s very clear you should find a new girlfriend that is actually supportive and good for you

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