How often do you have nightmares? What are they? Do you have any recurring nightmares?

  1. Every dream I have is a nightmare. They range from very intense, involving gore, SA, kidnapping, and other traumatic things, to more plain things like being in the rain and forgetting an umbrella. Whether it’s really scary or an everyday scenario, my dreams always involve some element of anxiety.

    The most common recurring themes are running from someone trying to hurt me, being captured by violent people, and zombies or some other type of apocalyptic scenerio.

  2. Once a month, maybe. It’s almost always either about me being on a plane crash, getting chased by some enemy in a video game I recently played a ton of, or…… me missing out on a concert, lmao. I once woke up in a state of absolute panic and rage because I was about to see QOTSA but went to the wrong stage and was forced to see Metallica instead.

    The positive thing is that I usually have lucid dreams, and while I’m not able to wake myself up, I’m able to control the dream somewhat. Video game boss about to kill me? I pause and go “NU-UH I PRESSED PAUSE YOU CAN’T KILL ME NOW” and they just stop and look annoyed while I run away. Plane about to crash? I freeze time, teleport away and unfreeze time when I’m safe. It’s still terrifying up until the point where I gain control, though.

  3. Maybe a couple every week to 2 weeks? I feel like my anxiety manifests in my dreams. They usually have a reoccurring theme, like I’m trying to get help but no one is willing or able to. For example, someone is trying to hurt me and I’m attempting to call for help on my phone and can’t get thru to anyone or if I do, no one can come for me. I always wake up stressed and breathing heavy like I’m a movie or something lol.

  4. I have very bizzaro dreams in general and sometimes the subject matter itself isn’t even scary but the tone of it is, it’s hard to explain. For example as a kid I had this recurring nightmare about being in an endless field of blue boulders and I would just feel suffocated and then it would always end with randomly feeling like I was falling and then I’d wake up

    As an adult the frequency is really irregular and I find these days it’s much more likely for nightmares to correlate to things like feeling unwell (fever = nightmares for me, when I had covid they were nightly) eating too much junk at once, starting a new medication/deviating from something my body is used to. I’d say thrice a week is a lot but once every 3-4 weeks is probably accurate

    Notable nightmares include my mother skinning my dog and hanging his pelt from the clothesline, jumping fences like in Shaun of the Dead but to escape Voldemort, owning my own home but being visited by a creepy door to door plush toy salesman, my housemate hiring a team of assassins to kill me, crush at the time grooming me into joining a weird sex cult. Being chased is a common recurring theme

  5. I hardly even dream, let alone have nightmares. I think I’ve had less than 10 nightmares in my 28 years of life.

  6. Whenever I remember dreams it’s always nightmares. Around every 3-4 days.

    Mostly about people who died, or being chased and killed. I even died in my dreams, yet the dream continued.

  7. Only when I’m having really bad anxiety or stressing every few weeks they used to be more frequent when I was younger typically about intense things like someone killing me kidnapping or any kind of traumatic experience. Typically someone trying to hurt me and I feel too paralysis even when it’s nightmare.

  8. Once a year sometimes once every two years or so. My dreams are usually random or they defy the laws of physics

  9. I have nightmares about random things a fair amount. I have reccuring dreams about driving and when I approach a stop light at a busy intersection.. I’m flooring the break and my car slowly rolls into the intersection. I have a real life fear of driving though so it makes sense I have recurring nightmares about driving

  10. I used to have nightmares often during a period of my life when I had a lot of anxieties. But after I cut out a lot of harmful people from my life, i rarely have nightmares now. When I do have nightmares, it’s because I watched a scary film or read somethings scary before bed.

  11. My recurring nightmares involve something happening to my daughter and me not getting to her in time. My dreams are very vivid. Colors, smells, and weather patterns. So, the feeling of holding my cold, dead, infant daughter on a very sunny, hot day when grass looks like straw takes up a good amount of space in my mind as the most terrifying experience I’ve experienced but not had.

  12. About once every 3-4 days and yes they recurring since it started from a traumatic experience

  13. I get nightmares when I’m very stressed or really anxious, that it manifests poorly in my sleep. So, that’s usually an indicator that I’ve been downplaying levels of stressed-out-ness.

  14. Every. Single. Night.

    Last night I had one where I stepped on a screw and it went through my big toe. I could only get to the hospital by e-scooter and it was on back roads. When I got to the hospital it was being taken over by some evil guy and he was holding doctors and patients hostage. I had to rip the screw out of my big toe with my hands and it hurt like hell.

    I can also feel pain in my dreams. I once got shot through the chest and was sitting there dying for what felt like a year.

  15. Almost every single night 😆 most of them involve fire, explosions, planes crashing and rarely me fighting with my parents or my friends. The last one is a nightmare because I feel an intense rage while in those specific dreams and I wake up often with a headache feeling like I didn’t sleep at all.

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