So America decides to let states go if they want. The conditions are you must pair up with one other state and the maximum number of states that can combine is 10. What states do you want in your new nation and why?

  1. Well, the states neighboring California don’t really want to join us/don’t like us so…Baja?

  2. California absorbs Oregon and Washington, controls the West coast, establishes friendly relations with Canada and Mexico.

    Rest of the remnant US states are dependent on us for access to most of their international trade goods. Texas is the only major competitor that poses a threat, but it has no real capacity to run an economy without training wheels so it basically descends into a chaotic cess pit waging war on all neighbors for no reason. Texas could pose a threat to the territorial integrity of Glorious Pacifica, but it has to project forces through Arizona and New Mexico which are mostly desert even if they wind up friendly to Texas forces. California is forced to relocated some naval aviation assets to combat air patrol on the land border from the carriers at San Diego. Once Texas collapses, Pacifica is the only major world power in North America.

    New York is baffled that nobody cares about it except as a sort of historical cultural site. Florida manages political reforms after a generation of chaos and becomes a reasonably large economy once the old state leadership does off either naturally or via revolution. Florida’s economy winds up a bit smaller than the Netherlands when it’s no longer a retirement destination from other former states and a welfare state sucking up military industrial complex money from the space program. But some damned how, it’s still a big enough economy to be a significant regional power after the dust settles and it sorts out self sufficiency.

  3. Everyone. Of course we would want all 50 as united states. This is just a hypothetical. You could at least play along.

    I’d take South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas

  4. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and I guess Utah. Enough big liberal population centers to keep the extreme conservatives in check, and vice versa. Somewhat of a regional identity that hopefully they can get along…. but probably won’t work and they fall to chaos.

  5. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.

    It’s got economy, agriculture, biodiversity, and borders both Canada and Mexico. It’s on the coast closest to Asia, which is strategic.

  6. If the rest of the US was Balkanized I would like Minnesota Wisconsin Iowa Illinois Indiana and Michigan. Also maybe add Ohio, Nebraska, Sodak and Nodak

  7. If we’re forced to.

    NJ (I’m from here), NY, CT, NH, VT, RI, MA, ME, DE, PA (or at least, the eastern part of it). Most culturally similar, and an economic powerhouse. Eastern bit of Maryland and DC area could come along for the ride too.

  8. The Midwest sticks together (in the long term, we win the fresh water wars) — Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio. Maybe throw Pennsylvania and New York in there so we’ve got a port for international trade. Indiana isn’t invited.

  9. Unencumbered by the Constitution, Virginia reclaims its historical lands that foolish ancestors traded away. Once we have reestablished the Old Dominion we unify with our nearest neighboring state of Hawaii.

  10. New York, New Jersey, and the entire New England group. They would then forfeit their statehoods and become a unitary state named The Most Serene Republic of New England.

  11. West Coast Best Coast. Washington, Oregon and California. I think we’d have a strong economy with tech and energy, plus a decent amount of farming. We’d have lots of ports on the Pacific, good for trade with Asia.

    Also, a lot of people missed that the maximum number of states you can have is 10. Have some fun, people.

  12. ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, & DE.

    I easily would’ve included MD if there wasn’t a limit and NoVA if parts of states were allowed.

  13. Alaska only. The Lower 48 and Hawaii can FO..Haha…kidding. Tired of the political nonsense. Going to give the Norwegian countries a run for their money. The 24 hour day shifts will be maximized to the fullest and the winter time will be basically AI run and vacation time. The oil and timber will be the main exports while developing nuclear energy. If you stand strongly on any anti Alaska sentiments and/or strong left or right leaning views…you will be deported. Zero tolerance for crime, too. Strict and fair immigration. Voting will be by blockchain. In addition. It will have its own internal states for new developed concepts. All aspects of self sustainability will be embraced while being open to trade and tourism.

    A super random answer to a random question. I personally don’t want any more less than 5/ states but we are playing pretend…

  14. I want want NYC to become a neutral city state thats armed to the teeth with nukes and shit and acts as a neutral point for UN diplomacy and thus receives international support and protection.

  15. I’d pick MN, WI, MI, OH, PA, IA and MO. We’ll have to either build a big bridge or dig a tunnel because we don’t want IN and you can’t make me pick them.

  16. Let’s go for a union of mid-south Atlantic states 🙂 Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, NC, SC, Georgia. Florida would be a very close ally, but they’re an independent thing already.

  17. Michigan, wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. I don’t love that wisconsin is in there, but it’s a necessary bridge and having that kind of control over the Great Lakes would be amazing.

  18. MN, WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, NY, MO, IA, WV

    -Great Lakes Access completely controlled
    -Tons of natural resources and high yield farm land
    -culturally similar enough
    -NYC, Chicago, Philly, Pittsburg, Cleveland, and tons of other mid sized cities set up for heavy industry
    -NYC and St Lawrence access to Atlantic ports
    -Plenty of existing tech and military infrastructure
    -Over half the area has an existing water border and plenty of rugged retain to get through if there is an attack
    -No strong enemies on our borders

  19. CA, OR, WA, AZ, NV, ID, UT, CO, WY, MO

    Almost got all of the west except NM. Got the most beautiful part of the country, took a huge amount of land, great cities, can still farm.

  20. Washington, Oregon, Californian, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma. Obviously no way California and Texas would go together, but in my opinion it would be best for my state if they did.

  21. Obviously this would be horrible for everyone. Every state would see their quality of life decreased. But in so far as I were responsible for creating defensible borders for California I’d want Oregon and Washington obviously but also Idaho, Nevada and Arizona as buffer states. I’d move the capital to the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe and ensure that the trade, tech and agricultural wealth of the deep west were distributed to ensure the loyalty of the east side of our nation.

  22. MUST pair? I guess Nevada. Makes for a nice compact shape and we’d get Las Vegas and the full Lake Tahoe. They’d put up with it to ally with our money and power, but complain constantly anyway.

  23. California, Texas, Massachusetts, and the southern part of New York are my new country: The Republic of Insufferable Smugness

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