Ladies who got pregnant b/w early to late 30’s, what difficulties were faced during and after labour?

  1. Had my baby at 36, the only difficulty with labor was finding out she was breech. I had the option of them trying to turn her which would be painful, take a while, and possibly end in a C-section. Or go straight to C-section. I chose the latter.

  2. Nothing out of the ordinary. Definitely nothing age specific. Great pregnancy, I found giving birth hard but no complications, did have an induction because baby wanted to stay till 42 weeks 🤷‍♀️ recovery was super quick.

  3. I gave birth aged 32 to my second child, and the fact that I cycled everywhere (instead of driving) during pregnancy up until three days before the birth made this birth a lot easier than the first one (because my body was fitter and stronger).

    I can very much recommend continuing your regular exercise programme throughout pregnancy. Then the birth shouldn’t be a problem.

  4. I turned thirty 3 months after my last baby was born. The pregnancy was rougher than than with the older two in several ways–not stop nausea and the only food that kid thought was acceptable for me to eat was sushi, which doc said “no” to until the last month and then it was “try to stay with the cooked. Eat it if that what’s stay down because this kid needs to put on weight”. He’s also my only vaginal delivery because he was 2 lbs smaller than his older sibs(nearly 3 lbs smaller than big brother)so no advice there. I do wish I had just elected to do another c-section though because I feel the recovery was easier *for me*.

  5. I’m pregnant now at 31 and will be 32 when I give birth. My doctor still referred to me as “a young mother” I did go into it being very fit (running 30 miles a week).

    Haven’t given birth yet, but so far I’m glad I waited til I was my age as I have both the experiences I’ve accumulated in my 20s and the infrastructure in my life ie finances/homeowner/know who I am.

  6. I had babies at age 30 and 33. I was generally healthy but not super fit. I had healthy pregnancies and relatively quick and easy births. Biggest downside healthwise is I never got back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s been 25 years and I’ve fluctuated between 15 and 30 lbs overweight. I think it might have been possible if I’d had my babies earlier, but maybe I’m just fooling myself.

  7. I had my son at 36. Had a really easy, unevetful pregnancy. The only complication during labor was he had a big head and no amount of pushing was getting him out so I had to have an episiotomy and they used suction pull him out. I had no other complications after labor and my episiotomy healed up well. Did have some hemorrhoids though, which weren’t fun.

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