I’ve always been curious if Europe has the MeToo movement or something equivalent like we do here in America. Is it as prevalent? Is it widespread? What is the general opinion on it? Etc.

  1. It’s pretty much the same/similar here. Just look through the hashtags on Twitter for example. The movement also has Wikipedia articles for pretty much any major language in Europe and a lot of the smaller ones as well. You can read through them with Google Translate.

  2. I hope you’re not making the assumption that at this day and age something like metoo would be exclusive to USA? Because that would be wildly ignorant, these things do go global thanks to the internet.

    Then what comes to actual response and actions related to the movement varies a little depending on local attitudes and needs.

  3. Yes, it’s been pretty big here for the past year. It started with a former olympic gold medalists (back in the 00’s) who accused publicly (and then sued) the president of the Greek Sailing Federation of sexually harassing her for a long period of time and then it snowballed beyond imagination.

  4. The Harvey Weinstein scandal was fairly big news in the UK, so there was a MeToo movement over here around 2017.

    There was a [big scandal around politicians’ behaviour in the UK Parliament](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Westminster_sexual_misconduct_allegations).

    Closer to home, my area’s [representative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sargeant) in the Welsh Government was [suspended from the Senedd](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-41858243) (our regional Parliament) after multiple unspecified allegations of misconduct were made against him. Unfortunately he was not given any support from his political party over the weekend following his suspension, and later [took his own life](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-41904161).

    I think it’s important that victims’ voices are heard, but there should be a through investigation into their allegations – the people they name also have a right to a fair trial.

  5. It was big, but grew even bigger the last couple of months when it came out that female singers from the TV program The Voice were harassed by male production and jury members.

    This second wave is still ongoing with new scandals and an increase of women reporting things at the police they didn’t dare in the past and a lot of media coverage.

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