Despite being in a loving relationship I think about her a lot. In all honesty, I just miss who I was before she happened.

  1. Every once in a while she’ll pop up in my Facebook newsfeed, and I’ll think “Oh, I hope she’s doing well.” That’s about it.

  2. I didn’t think about her until I got divorced. Tried reaching out as well to say hi and catch up but it has been so long I just doubt there was anything there.

  3. Pretty much once a month. And that was a relationship that ended 25 years ago. The saying is absolutely true, you really do never forget.

  4. Hardly ever. It was more than 30 years ago. As far as I know she became a lawyer, married another lawyer, and still lives in Indiana. Best to both of them.

  5. Daily, but not necessarily in a ‘I wish I was with her way’. More like ‘oh, she popped into my head’.

    Same way my old dog or my son’s mate does. Randomly.

  6. Never, not until this post and it’s been well over 10 years. Couldn’t care less where she is or what she’s doing. Still remember everything about her but I’ve since moved on like a normal adult.

  7. So, its been 18 years. Not often. Maybe once a month in passing. Its weird how it sticks around even that much. She still lives in my town, has been divorced a few times, has four kids. I absolutely would never want to be with her now. But I guess I love the memory in the same way you have nostalgia. We are completely different people than we were as kids.

  8. Never just pops in my head. Last time was a few years ago when I saw news of a mutual friend and then made the association.

  9. Maybe every few months. Other than the memory.of how she looked naked (a body that likely is far less appealling now, given what I know about how she lived) the memories aren’t particularly warm.

  10. Hey dude, kudos to you for having the self-awareness to bring this up

    >In all honesty, I just miss who I was before she happened.

    Something I think a lot of people forget, is that nostalgia has different reasons for all of us. But it takes some deep reflection to understand WHY we keep looking back to it

    I’ve had lots of friends who feel the same way as you do. After talking to them for a bit, they realized that they’ve reached a point where they’re not too satisfied where their life is going (despite being in a good spot overall) and it causes them to be nostalgic for the past because of what you mentioned

    For a lot of them, they don’t have the awareness that this is more self-reflection than about anyone else.

    They think that they’re focusing on this part of life because of the girl. But in reality, it’s more about the collective experience of who we were back then, and how we were living our lives which is the real reason most of us have rose-tinted glasses for these things

    I wish you the best

  11. I think about all the women I have loved occasionally. Wistfully. I find it useful to reflect on my past relationships- learn from them. Understand them. Understand myself and my behaviours to try to inform my future.

  12. Been thinking about her a lot lately for some reason. It’s been 20 years since I last saw her.

  13. I just reconnected with her recently so it’s been good to see how she’s doing now, she was an Angel in my life back then. Still single & very successful, but her message back did seem kind of lonely.

  14. I think my first love was in middle school .. she is the only one where I was super excited and can’t sleep for …literally hid in the closet to talk to her all night ..or even fought my sister for the single land line phone . I’m with someone else now but that level of excitement was once in my lifetime. Maybe it’s because I was a kid idk just felt like joy 🤣🤣

  15. *”How often do you think of your first love?”*

    Less often than this question being asked in this subreddit OP.


    Ahhhhhh…over 2 years and only 21 karma. That’s why this question was asked.


  16. all day, every day. I love her and all, but it’s so annoying because I want to function and call upon the memory at will instead of being blindsided by our time together.

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